Goodbye Free Time
Via Boing Boing: a free online Boggle-style game called Babble. New puzzle every day. How many points can you score?
Via Boing Boing: a free online Boggle-style game called Babble. New puzzle every day. How many points can you score?
This houseful of kids sends boisterous and heartfelt birthday wishes to a certain wonderful grandma!
And what an eggcellent day for a birthday. Today’s the vernal equinox. Have you tried standing your egg on end yet?
(OK, so the “eggs balance on end on the equinox only” thing is apparently a myth— supposedly you can do it any day of the year. But where’s the fun in that?)
Tags: spring
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Julie Snyder, a homeschool graduate, was 21 years old when she painted this beautiful portrait of Pope John Paul II last year. Last week, the painting accompanied a Monstrance that had been blessed by the Pope on an “Adoration for Vocations” pilgrimage to parishes, schools, and religious communities in the Boston area. Julie, who is now an art student at a Massachusetts college, completed the portrait last April, shortly after the Pope’s death.
Talent runs in Julie’s family: she is the sister of Emily Snyder, author of Niamh and the Hermit and Charming the Moon.
Tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home education, John Paul II
This, I am told, is the name of the game Beanie and Rose were playing when I came out of my room a little while ago. They were crouched on the top stair with big Cheshire cat grins. Which, it turned out, were appropriate to the game: they were cats.
"The landing where the stairs turn is the end of childhood, see," Rose explained to me. "And once you’re below that, the stairs get EVEN SLIPPERIER and if you aren’t careful you slide all the way down to the bottom and then you’re DEAD."
"If you’re a cat," Bean chimed in.
Rose nodded. "Right, if you’re a cat."
What I want to know is, how do they already know the part about things speeding up once you make that left turn out of childhood? Because that bit doesn’t just apply to cats.
My sweet friend Chari forwarded these incredible pictures of a clearwing butterfly because she knew that my resident lepidopterist and I would enjoy them. And how.
Butterflies are one of Jane’s passions. I discovered this quite by accident about three years ago, when she was not quite eight years old. If I’d had a blog at the time, I would certainly have written a post about it, but lacking one (and very likely never even having heard of weblogs at that point), I wrote an email to a dear friend instead—part of which, thanks to the miracle of hard drives, I shall now hijack for this post.
April, 2003
Yesterday I took Jane to a native plant sale at a nearby nature center while the other girls were napping. It took us forever to even get into the building where they had the plant sale, because there were a lot of booths set up for various nature clubs and societies, and she was fascinated by all of it. At every table she struck up a conversation with the people running the booth. The old lady at the Invasive Plant Display could not have been more delighted to have this little kid seeming so genuinely interested in how to avoid nasty invasives like multiflora rose and ailanthus tree. The lady gave us a really nice booklet with color photos, saying, “I don’t usually give these out to people, but you really seem to care!”
But the topper was the butterfly table. There was a man with three or four trays of butterflies under glass—unlabeled. Now, two weeks ago, I bought a field guide for insects and left it on the kitchen table. Another strewing success! I knew Jane had looked at it, but I had no idea how much. The butterfly section is just one small part of the book, but she must have studied it carefully. She pointed to a yellow butterfly in the case and said, “Is that a clouded sulphur?” And the butterfly man lit up and said, “Close! It’s a cloudLESS sulphur—see, this one here with the black markings on the sides, that’s the clouded.”
Jane furrowed her brow. “Hmm, that’s odd,” she said. “I have a book at home which has a picture of a clouded sulphur, but the black markings are only about half as thick as these.”
The man beamed at her again. “Right! That’s the FEMALE! I don’t have one here.” And they launched into this conversation that was totally over my head about the intricacies of male vs. female butterfly markings. The thing is, Jane completely knew what she was talking about. And I had no idea. We might as well have been at a Star Trek convention with the two of them speaking in Klingon.
They proceeded through a discussion of swallowtails and—see, I’m drawing a blank, I can’t even come up with the names. But she knew them. In a feeble attempt to join in, I pointed to a row of three orange and black butterflies and said, “Look, aren’t these monarchs?”
Jane smiled at me with affectionate condescension. The man gave me an encouraging nod, sort of the way you encourage a preschooler when she almost sounds out a word correctly, and said, “Yes, the two big ones are. This smaller one is—”
Jane jumped in. “It’s a viceroy, Mommy,” she said gently, obviously not wanting to embarrass me more than I’d already embarrassed myself by this display of ignorance.
I just stared at her. A lady who had been browsing at the booth but was now just standing there listening to the exchange shook her head wonderingly. The butterfly man grinned. Clearly he had found a kindred spirit.
“That’s right,” he said. “A viceroy.”
“Viceroys benefit from looking like monarchs,” Jane told me. (It sounds like I’m making this up but this is literally what she said.) “You see, Mommy, monarchs have a rather unpleasant taste to birds, and when a bird has once tasted a monarch it tends to avoid them altogether for the rest of its life. It avoids viceroys, too, which is unfortunate for the bird, because I believe viceroys actually taste quite pleasant to birds, isn’t that right?”
The butterfly man nodded, eyes shining. I think he was ready to adopt her.
“How old were YOU when you got interested in butterflies?” she asked him.
“Three,” said the man. “You’re getting a late start.” They both cracked up. Ah, lepidopterist humor.
He explained that he had older brothers who caught butterflies, and that’s how he got interested. She explained that she was the oldest child—thus her delayed education. He showed her a Golden Guide to Butterflies and Moths that he’d had since he was her age. She flipped through it with great interest, commenting approvingly on how it showed the caterpillars alongside their butterflies.
“Mine doesn’t do that. And yours has a lot more species. Mine only has THREE kinds of moths!” (This in a “Can you believe that? What an outrage!” tone.) They shook their heads in mutual disgust at the inadequacy of such a book. How dare it call itself a field guide?
“You should get her this book,” the man told me gently, speaking with delicate sympathy for my cluelessness. “It’s still in print.”
“I will,” I muttered, dazed.
“Look, Mom! A spring azure!”
She went back to the butterfly table three times over the course of our visit. Mr. Butterfly (very nice man, by the way, with two daughters running the lemonade stand) explained that he leads butterfly walks once a month at the nature center. Needless to say, we’ll be attending.
It’s just incredible, isn’t it, how your kids can constantly surprise you? I spend so much time with this child, and yet here’s a side to her I had no idea was there, this deep and absorbing knowledge of butterflies. I mean, we’ve been planting butterfly-and-hummingbird-attracting flowers, but I wouldn’t know a viceroy from a sulphur, much less what they taste like to birds. I didn’t even know there WERE viceroys and sulphurs.
You learn something new every day. Eighty or ninety of them, if you’ve got inquisitive second-graders around. 🙂
Back to the present. Jane’s enthusiasm continues unabated. We have a yard full of butterfly-attracting plants now, including a caterpillar nursery with fennel, parsley, and rue for the larvae of the black swallowtail, and a clump of milkweed for the prized monarchs. Every summer Jane grows broccoli to feed the caterpillars of cabbage whites—which means, yes, we are the only people in the neighborhood who encourage pests in our vegetable garden.
We also have several enormous butterfly bushes (shh, don’t tell the Native Plant Society), one of which was a birthday present to Jane from Mr. Butterfly and his daughters, the summer before last. His monthly butterfly walks are a highlight of Jane’s year. I trail along behind, usually toting a baby in a sling, listening with bemusement to the conversations of my young viceroy expert and her comrades-in-lepidoptery. I can more or less follow the drift of their discussions, now, and though I’d need to see a viceroy next to a monarch to be able to tell them apart, I’ve come a long way. (Just please don’t ask me to distinguish between a male and female clouded sulphur.)
See, this is another reason why I homeschool: because I get to learn so much.
Tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home education, unschooling, Unschool, butterflies, nature
Over at Farm School, Becky has posted a great list of Irish-themed books in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Also recipes, audio, movies, and—really beating me to it, because I was going to do the same thing!—a poem by William Butler Yeats.
Yeats is one of my favorite, favorite poets. Especially “The Lake Isle of Innisfree,” which of course is where the tagline of this blog comes from. (For some reason it doesn’t show up with my current banner image.)(UPDATE: I figured out why. It’s back. But it won’t stay centered. Don’t ask me why. Also I can’t find a color that shows up well against this image.)
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear the lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
More Yeats poems
Favorite collection of Yeats poetry
Other books set in Ireland:
Hilda Van Stockum‘s Bantry Bay series
Children’s animated video about St. Patrick:
Patrick: Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle
Movie I loved as a kid but my kids haven’t seen yet:
Darby O’Gill and the Little People
Favorite 80s song by an Irish band
Favorite prayer by St. Patrick
All right, I have to go pour some green milk for my kids. Scott never forgets to color it the night before.
Tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home education, unschooling, unschool, Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day
In late January I posted an announcement about the Journey North Mystery Class project that was about to start. This has been our first year participating in the project, and I have to tell you, we are having the best time. Can’t believe we haven’t done this before!
We’re about halfway through the project, and it gets more exciting by the week. Here’s Journey North‘s description:
The Mystery Class investigation is an 11-week hunt in which students try to find 10 secret “Mystery Classes” hiding around the globe. The changing amount of sunlight at each site is the central clue. Students take an inspiring journey from knowing only sunrise and sunset times, to discovering exact locations of the 10 Mystery Classes. Mystery Class begins January 30 and ends May 5, 2006.
Here’s how it works. Every Monday we visit this website to find out our local sunrise and sunset times for that day. The amount of daylight between sunset and sunrise is called the photoperiod. Week by week, we have recorded each Monday’s photoperiod on a graph, watching our hometown photoperiod get longer and longer every week. The gray days of February were made a little less gray by the knowledge that we had some twenty minutes more sunshine every week.
Every Friday, Journey North sends out sunrise and sunset data for the ten Mystery Classes. Using this information, we calculate the ten Mystery Class photoperiods and add this data to our graph. (We are working as part of a group with other families from the 4RealLearning message boards; each family calculates the data for one Mystery Class, and we pool our results.)
Here’s what our graph looks like so far. (Click to enlarge.) You can see how almost all the lines are on their way to converging at a central point: that’s the 12-hour photoperiod line, which is where everyone will be next Monday, March 20th, on the vernal equinox.
Almost everyone, that is! Mystery Class #6 has been enjoying 24 hours of daylight since the project began. This means they’re somewhere in Antarctica…You can (faintly) see their line at the top of our chart.
The photoperiod data is helping us narrow down the latitude of each Mystery Class. By comparing each Class’s photoperiods to our hometown photoperiod, we are able to make guesses about how far north or south of the equator these hidden classes might be.
This week was a big week: Journey North released the longitude clues. To help us calculate each Mystery Class’s longitude, we were given their March 20th sunrise times in Greenwich Mean Time. By calculating the number of minutes between Greenwich’s sunrise and each Mystery Class’s sunrise and dividing by four (because the earth spins one degree longitude every four minutes), we have been able to determine each Class’s longitude, including whether they are east or west of Greenwich.
So now we’re really narrowing it down! Jane and I are beginning to make our guesses about where the Mystery Classes are located. In the weeks to come, Journey North will give us additional clues about culture and terrain. In late April, our group and others all over the world will submit our guesses, and the following week Journey North will post the answers.
Already we have learned so much during this project. Never again will I have trouble remembering which is latitude and which is longitude. There has been a lot of math and a lot of globe-spinning. (Mr. Putty has been getting a workout!)
If you’re kicking yourself for not having joined in the fun this year, it’s not too late. It would take some serious work to bring your graph up to date, but the data is all still available and it could certainly be done. Or you could just drop in to 4RealLearning and eavesdrop on our group’s speculations. Click on the “Great Outdoors” forum and look for topic threads labeled “Mystery Class.” We’re still collecting longitude data from our group members, and we’ve agreed not to start guessing out loud about locations just yet—we want to give every family a chance to do the guessing on its own first.
And if this isn’t your year to join in the fun, there’s always next year. Regular readers of this blog know that I frequently post links to Journey North—for example, I love the Monarch watch that begins every spring, as we follow the butterflies’ progress from their wintering grounds in Mexico to our own backyards. All of Journey North’s activities are free and tons of fun.
Interesting related links posted by our group members:
Antarctica Journal
World Daylight Map
Daylight Savings Time Map (This site gave us a clue a couple of weeks ago when the sunrise/sunset times for one of the Classes suddenly shifted by an hour.)
On the Same Day in March: A Tour of the World’s Weather (A picture book by Marilyn Singer.)
Tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home education, unschooling, unschool
At Big A little a, Kelly has posted a review of The True Story of Stellina by Matteo Pericoli, a book that sounds right up our tree.
Kelly writes:
“What I especially appreciate about Stellina is that Pericoli tells his tale as an adult would speak to a highly intelligent child. In other words, despite the presence of many “cheeps” and a few “roars,” Pericoli does not talk down to his audience. Instead, Pericoli presents a love story, the story of his wife Holly and her love for the little bird.”
Sounds perfect.
Tags: children’s literature, kidlit, children’s books
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…it’s Carnival of Education time over at one of my daily must-read sites, The Education Wonks.
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