Bring Nature to Your Notebook

April 26, 2006 @ 2:20 am | Filed under:

Over at Lapaz Farm, Theresa has been sharing some stunning pages from her nature journal. Truly an inspiration!

Jane has recently rediscovered her own journal—it’s hard not to be wooed by the out-o’-doors this time of year, and to want to bring a bit of it inside—and I’m thoroughly enjoying her handiwork on pages like these (click photos to enlarge):




More nature journal links:

Theresa’s page with book recommendations. (The Claire Walker Leslie books are a favorite of mine as well—see this post.)

Gorgeous images at Mudpies and Mozart, plus practical suggestions. I’ve linked to this page before, but it’s worth revisiting.

Artist Rebecca Latham’s nature paintings and sketches page.

Dawn’s nature notes.

And, of course, Cottage Garden, one of Alice‘s brilliant ideas: an online nature journal with contributions from the whole family.

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6 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Agnes says:

    Jane is a good artist!

  2. Theresa says:

    Those are great! I love the little notes and labels. And the pressed specimens are a nice touch, I’ll have to remember that for my journal! And what did she use to color the buttercups with?
    The “mint relative????” looks like what Dawn has posted a question on her nature notes today.
    Excellent work, Jane!

  3. Melissa Wiley says:

    LOL, I was just posting a comment about that wildflower at Dawn’s blog! Her photo looks like what my kids call “cow parsley.” They love to suck the nectar from those flowers, just like honeysuckle. I’ll have Jane look it up in her beloved weed book and tell us what the Latin n ame is.

    But I think her mystery mint relative must be something else, since she keeps a sharp lookout for cow parsley to sip…

    Oh, re her pressed leaves–she just scotch-taped them on, so I don’t know how well they’ll hold up. I’ll have to help her find a better way to preserve things in the book.

  4. Melissa Wiley says:

    Updating my info: I poked around a bit, and cow parsley seems to be a totally different plant: white flowers, different shape. I don’t know where my kids came up with that name for this little purple orchid-like weed we have all over the yard (same plant as in Dawn’s photo). Jane’s not home right now so I’ll have to ask her later.

    I think the correct name for that plant is “ground ivy” or “creeping Charlie” (Glechoma hederacea L.).

    Still working on IDing Jane’s similar but slightly different mystery mint relative. (And not totally sure whether Dawn’s plant is our cow parsley/ground ivy, or our mystery mint. Both have square stems, but their leaves are different.

  5. Karen E. says:

    Wow, beautiful stuff, Jane!

  6. Melissa Wiley says:

    Theresa asked:

    And what did she use to color the buttercups with?

    Prismacolor colored pencils. Her favorite medium!