Because You Know You’ve Been Singing the Jingle Ever Since You Read My Last Post

September 23, 2006 @ 5:28 pm | Filed under:

Now you can relive the joie de Pepper all over again. Courtesy of my husband, a YouTube link to that old Dr. Pepper commercial. Oh, the giddy exuberance! The feathered hair, the charming smile! The children agog with admiration over the soda and the dancing! The ripoff of homage to An American in Paris! This is possibly television’s finest achievement.

Except maybe for this.

(Okay, now I’m actually thinking about it. What IS television’s finest moment?)

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8 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Stephanie says:

    You what is really funny? Although the Dr Pepper jingle was very memorable, it actually was not very effective at selling Dr. Pepper. People who tended to drink Dr Pepper were not folks who wanted to be one of the crowd (if they were then they would drink Coke or Pepsi!). If I remember correctly, Dr Pepper changed their marketing strategy to reflect this.

    I remember learning about this in one of my marketing classes in college. The lesson is that you should know your target market and that a popular ad campaign does not always result in higher sales…

    Thanks for the flashback!

  2. Christine M says:

    Watching those made me thirsty!

  3. Love2learn Mom says:

    That’s hysterical!

  4. Karen E. says:

    Too funny! Ramona just said, “Can I see it again??” but Betsy said, “That is too weird….”

    Another bit of trivia: isn’t the Pepper Guy the American Werewolf who was in London?

  5. Andrea says:

    Oh, without a doubt, ( is television’s finest moment.

  6. tracey says:

    Kay, my husband was A Pepper for Halloween one year. He was that dancing guy. It was a classic. Everyone had to ask what he was and we he answered, “I’m a Pepper”, there was a pause and then after it registered people died laughing!

  7. Ida O. says:

    I’d like to buy the world a coke.

  8. Lisa says:

    Are kids still allowed to:

    a) drink Kool Aid
    b) drink for an actual GLASS??
    We do both at our house!