Archive for December 19th, 2006

I Would Comment on This, But I’m Too Distracted

December 19, 2006 @ 12:31 pm | Filed under:

You know that thing you do (you KNOW you do) when you’re picking up the house, and you never finish a single room because you pick up the socks on the living room floor and carry them to the bedroom, and while you’re there you notice laundry you didn’t finish folding, and when you’re putting your kids’ clothes away in their room, you are walloped by the mess in their closet, and you hunt them down to make them come clean it up but they are in the middle of a craft project and there are bits of colored paper all over every flat surface in the craft room, so you order someone to start sweeping and you’re still standing there with folded laundry in your hands which is now mixed up with the dirty laundry you started to pick up from the kids’ closet floor before deciding to make them do it themselves…? You know that thing?

Well, there’s an internet version too. Boy howdy, isn’t there.

(Evidenced by the, I’m not kidding, 368 emails in my in-box—AFTER the deletion of all spam, billing reminders, and VistaPrint ads—awaiting a reply. I would answer them, but I’m still holding the laundry.)

Tasty Bookmarking

December 19, 2006 @ 6:12 am | Filed under:

Do you use I was just meandering through my list of bookmarks, and wow is there some good stuff there. Like this link, which I flagged with the intention of sharing it, and now I can’t remember if I ever did, nor whom to hat-tip:

Kids’ Corner – Featuring the Stories of Beatrix Potter (and more!)—Read (or listen to) Beatrix Potter tales and lots of other stories (including A Christmas Carol) in German, Japanese, and more. There’s also an audio interview with Mr. Rogers.

Every time I remember about I wonder why I keep forgetting to use it. It really is a handy way to keep track of links you want to bookmark—instead of bookmarking on your computer, you’re bookmarking on the site so that you can access your links from anywhere.

The tags feature makes it easy to group links by topic. For example, I created a tag for links I want to blog about, and another for posts I think Scott would enjoy. You can create public tags and private ones. Very useful.

If you’re a fan too, send me your username so I can add you to my network!