Online Word Games

November 23, 2007 @ 7:52 am | Filed under:

I know I read a post somewhere recently that linked to a free online word game in which players make as many words as they can from a certain number of letters. I played the game once, but now I can’t find it. Anyone know what I’m thinking of?

It wasn’t Babble (a combination of Boggle and Scrabble), which we love.

It was a lot like Neopets Word Poker (my favorite Neopets game), but without the pirates.

I can’t remember what it was called, nor where I saw the link. Hmm. This is…puzzling. (Ba dum bum.)

UPDATE! Hypatia found it. It’s Eight Letters in Search of a Word, which I’m sure I, like Hypatia, first read about at The Common Room.

There are other fun game suggestions popping up in the comments. Thanks, and keep ’em coming!

By the way, my kids and I are back on an iSketch kick. I go in first and create a private room, then send an invitation to the other computer. (We have two usernames.) Much shouting and hilarity ensues: this game, which is an online version of Pictionary, is a blast. In years past, we used to have great fun setting up iSketch dates with faraway friends. Might be time to resurrect that tradition!

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10 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Jacqueline says:

    A game we enjoy where you make as many words as you can from given letters is Chicktionary.

  2. Hypatia says:

    Was it Eight Letters in Search of a Word, from East of the Web?

    I think I saw this one at The Common Room.

  3. Willa says:

    Perhaps Boggle?

  4. Caroline says:

    Fowl words? Chickens hold up eggs with letters on them.

  5. Cate says:

    Text Twist??

  6. marye says:

    I have been reading through your archives and enjoying your blog. 🙂

  7. Mary Lee says:

    Have you seen FreeRice? You learn vocabulary and donate rice to the hungry of the world.

  8. Deanna says:

    We use a baggie of scrabble tiles and I give a phrase and we make words from it. How many words = how many minutes of computer game time! The hardest part is coming up with the word or phrase!!

  9. Alli ~Mrs. Fussypants says:

    Cool! Thanks.

  10. Abigail Clark says:

    Text Twist is an exciting game and it is also educational. this game can also help in spelling and vocabulary.`;`