BusyBodyBook Giveaway

September 9, 2008 @ 12:56 pm | Filed under:

Have you all bought your planners already? If not, you may be in luck…

Here is my 2006 review of the BusyBodyBook, a day planner for moms. The format, which you can view in the image below, is a grid which lists Monday through Sunday going down the page, and then there are five blank columns for you to fill in with family members’ names (or whatever you like). It’s a clever way to keep track of what each member of the family has going on every day.

(Click to enlarge.)

The lefthand page is blank for notes. The calendar runs from August ’08 through September ’09. Here are this year’s covers:

Special features include perforated shopping lists (very cool), pockets inside the front and back covers, a bookmark, and month-at-a-glance pages.

The publisher also offers the grid in a large fridge pad format and a wall calendar.

Now for the fun part! The kind folks at BusyBodyBook have sent me one of this year’s planners to offer as a gift for one of my readers. If you’d like to enter the drawing, leave a comment on this post. I’ll draw a name on Saturday at 9am Pacific time.

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78 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Love2learn Mom says:

    Please count me in! Thanks much ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jennifer says:

    I’ll wouldn’t ever turn down a planner.

  3. Deb says:

    I have tried all kinds of devices for planning — electronic and paper — but haven’t been able to stick with one for more than a couple of weeks. I’d love to find the right one. Thanks for the opportunity

  4. Stephanie says:

    I’m still looking for a planner that works for our family. I’d appreciate a chance to give this one a go. Thank you!

  5. Hypatia says:

    Ooh, pick me! Pick me!

    I can’t remember if I ever clicked through from my feed-reader to say this, but thank you! for the post where you identified Our Lord’s Candle (Chaparral Yucca). I’d been walking around my neighborhood for WEEKS wondering what that pretty flower was, but I never remembered to Google it when I got back inside. Thanks for doing an end-run around my forgetfulness!

  6. Cynthia says:

    I’d love to win this!

  7. Gretchen says:

    I love to carry around a paper planner with me to places like co-op and dr appointments as I could never quite get in the habit of remembering my pda! On the computer, I just was introduced to http://www.cozi.com today, and it is really nice! It integrates with outlook, can separate out apointments for different members of the family, and be accessed from any computer, pda, or cell phone. Pretty neat and totally free. It probably won’t replace my paper planner because old habits die hard, but I am giving it a try ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. JoVE says:

    That is exactly the kind of thing we need, though I think the fridge planner is going to be more like it. (I’ve ordered one already.) Although I do more of the homeschooling stuff, Mat is pretty involved, too. And he can work from home a lot. So keeping track of his work appointments, Tigger’s stuff, my stuff, and who’s taking who where really needs a few columns.

  9. Penny in VT says:

    Ohhhh I love planners! Count me in the fun!

    Glad you’re feeling better, love the cute pics ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Mama Steff says:

    Oooh – don’t planners make everything seem possible again? Until I inevitably lose mine, I feel so organized …

  11. MamaB says:

    Oh perfect! I do believe we’ve just popped into that zone of having to track everyone’s schedule with all our activities this year (my first with two children in things ๐Ÿ˜€ )

  12. Karla @ Ramblin' Roads says:

    Oh! I would! I would! (Wonder if it would be selfish to pray I win it?) I need a new planner… and this one looks perfect!

  13. Suz says:

    Ohhh what a pretty planner. Feed my addiction! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. peacemom says:

    It couldn’t hurt to try yet another planner in hopes of getting organized. Please count my in the drawing, and thanks!

  15. peacemom says:

    edit to above comment: I meant to say, “Please count ME in the drawing!” Thanks.

  16. Mamalion says:

    Since I got so lucky and won one last year, am I allowed to enter again? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. fiddler says:

    How gorgeous are those covers? Rich, saturating color–gotta love ’em!

    Have a great day!

    ~Christina in MA

  18. Michele P. says:

    count me in, I definitely need something to write everything down in-I forget so many appts and don’t always get the bill paid by the due date…this would be a big help!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  19. Mary G. says:

    I can dream about being organized, can’t I?

    Please count me in, perhaps the dream will come true!


  20. laura says:

    Yay! I’d love to try this out!

  21. Jamie says:

    please include me!!


  22. Mama Martin says:

    This planner looks terrific! I need all the help I can get so please count me in.

  23. M.T. says:

    Yay for planners! ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Tina says:

    Please count me in too!

  25. Christie says:

    ooooo. dd you say free planner? sign me up!

  26. Angela says:

    I love planners! This one looks great too!

  27. Greta says:

    I would love to win this planner! I would use it as a food diary and exercise log for myself. I think the five column format would be perfect for this.

  28. Pam says:

    Well, I don’t usually enter these as I’m in Australia but my inlaws are coming out for a visit so maybe I could win something!


  29. Well-Mannered Frivolity says:

    I <3 planners. Count me in!


  30. hmrpita says:

    If I win, I shall give it to my friend. ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Andrea says:

    Busy Buddy Book
    Inner leaves to guide our paths.
    Come! Organize Me!

  32. Laurie says:

    This year I’m putting my name in the hat for a new planner!
    Thanks, Laurie

  33. Hope says:

    Pick me! Pick me!

  34. Kris says:

    Ohhh, how exciting. What a wonderful gift! Would love to win. Thanks for offering!

  35. Joyce A. Anthony says:

    Hmm…homeschooling, critters, hosting blog tours, author intervies–did I say my middle name is DISORGANIZED??—this could be what I need to change it all–And don’t listen to what my son says: I WILL one day be organized!!!

  36. Jessica says:

    Ooh! I would LOVE to be entered!! How fun!!

  37. Jennifer Minson says:

    i need a new planner for the coming year. Plus with a move next week i have a lot to remember.

  38. Angi says:

    Those are so cute! I love paper planners, they are so fun to ready for the new year.

  39. Sarah R. says:

    Those covers are just darling! So…enter me, and thanks for doing this! ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Mrs. H. says:

    Mrs. H. here, self-diagnosed planner addict. Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. NancyP says:

    Maybe this is the planner that would work for me! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  42. Piseco says:

    Oh yes! I love my BBB – but I’m working out of one that runs on a calendar year and am discovering the academic year version would probably work best for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Kay says:

    In need of a planner:)

  44. Gwendolyn says:

    I want to enter! If it’s anything in this world that I need right now, it is to get organized. LOL

  45. Joy says:

    Yea! Planners!

  46. Jeanette says:

    Oh yes! I love me some planners! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been shopping around for my next planner.

  47. Amy says:

    Nothing like a giveaway to bring on the comments! ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. Becky says:

    I’d love to be entered! thanks!

  49. Becca says:

    I’m searching for the perfect planner…maybe this is the one!

  50. KimN says:

    I do like this organizer…enter me in!

  51. JoAnna Parente says:

    Oh cool! Count me in!

  52. websterm says:

    Would love to have a planner that I will actually use and stick to! Please count me in!
    Thanks so much!

  53. Carol says:

    Me, too! Thank you!

  54. Marybeth says:

    Oh, I need a planner. How did my Mom do it in the seventies with a free church calendar and 5 kids to organize and get places?? We were never late and always had what we needed. Apparently, all I got was her nose and not her organizational skills. Please count me in…thanks so much!

  55. IrishMom says:

    So glad I checked your site today. Hope I am the lucky one!! Thanks.

  56. Beth says:

    Forever in need of more organization! I’d love to win this. Thanks for giving us the opportunity!

  57. HopiQ says:

    Looks very nice! Anything to help with organization!

  58. Alissa says:

    I refer to my current planner as my brain!
    It is at least my memory – but my memory
    will run out in a few months, so it would be
    great to have a new one!

  59. Natalie says:

    Oh, that looks pretty cool! I’d be thrilled to win. ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. Mandy says:

    I’m a new reader, came via Sandra Dodd and mention of the 100 species challenge. I’m enjoying your blog. We’re unschoolers down here in San Diego as well. I think I may join in on the challenge soon as I love photographing in my area as well as enjoying the outdoors.

  61. Shannon says:

    Count me in! I like the page for notes.

  62. Mary Beth P says:

    I’d love a new planner!

  63. Tracey says:

    I could use a planner. Thank you for the chance to win one!

  64. Laurie says:

    The planner looks great. With school, 4-H, my business and everything else, it would be great to have. Now, for why I am really writing. I feel like such an idiot. I knew your name sounded familiar, but could not place it. I subscribed to your blog about a year ago and just now realized you wrote the books about Laura Ingalls Wilder’s grandmothers. I LOVE them! We sat and read all of them that our library had back to back this past winter. Then we requested they order the rest. Thank you for continuing (or giving background) to Ms. Wilder’s (who is an ancestor of mine) stories. They are required reading in our family regardless of gender. Of course, they are thoroughly enjoyed too.

  65. Rhonda Martin says:

    Ok to be honest a Co-Worker and great friend sent me this link because she said “You need this” and she is right of course. If you could see my desk calender you wouldn’t believe it~! But of course I can’t carry that with me if I need to and trying to keep track of Marching Band , Jazz Band , Chorus , Foot Ball, Basket Ball , and Dr’s Appt. not to mention my work schedule I just plain need it lol. Thanks for a chance to enter to win one.

  66. Heather says:

    Oh, I know that without a planner, I would NEVER get anything done, or remember where I am supposed to be, when. I call it my brain on paper. These look delightful, and I’d love to win one! Thanks.

  67. Jenny in Ca says:

    looks like a really nice planner- I love the shopping list idea!

    please throw my name in the hat!

  68. Lisa D. says:

    After my disappointment with the MomAgenda (yep, I was the one that found that came across that “offensive” quote on one of the pages after I’d ordered it), I still haven’t found the planner of my dreams. I do like the way the BusyBody has separate columns for each child/member of the family. Wouldn’t it be neat if you could order a custom planner like that for a specific number of people (columns)?

    Please add me to the drawing! Thanks.

  69. jen says:

    Count me in!

  70. Kam A says:

    I would love to try the Busy Body Book! I love the features listed on the website and would use all of them. I especially love the covers on the planners! They are so unique and cheerful looking!

  71. sig says:

    Looks great. Between chemo, shots, heart Drs, 7 kids, I need me a planner ๐Ÿ™‚

  72. Tamary says:

    I’m always up for a drawing for something useful! Thanks!

  73. Charity says:

    I love the BusyBodyBook. That orange floral cover is really nice. Thanks for the giveaway!

  74. Sheila O'Connor-Ambrsoe says:

    I hope I am not to late to be considered! Thanks!

  75. Kristen says:

    I would love to have this planner! Thanks.

  76. Deborah C. says:

    I’ve just been shopping for a new planner, this one looks fun!

  77. Donna says:

    Sigh…sorry to have missed this! I knew I needed to spend more time on the computer ๐Ÿ™‚