You’d think I’d have learned my lesson after what happened to poor old Homer and Herodotus. But nooo, I had to go and write about the happy little caterpillar who found its way to my kitchen windowsill and spent the past week munching my geranium to shreds. I celebrated his presence the night before last, and then all day yesterday he was nowhere to be seen. Mysterious, I thought, but honestly I wasn’t searching too hard.
Well, this morning I found him: curled up sideways in the dirt in the bottom of the pot. Poor little thing. He thought this was a friendly place. Little did he know he had entered the Caterpillar House of Doom. If caterpillars could write there’d be a cautionary chalk mark on our doorpost right now, I’ll bet.
October 7, 2008 @ 6:45 am | Filed under:
Oh my gosh, I’m getting excited. As you know, I’m a first-round judge for the Fiction Picture Book category in the Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards. The nominations are pouring in, and I’ve been perusing the ever-growing list with happy anticipation. My fellow panelists and I will be responsible for reading every book nominated and putting the very best among them on a shortlist for the finals. Then I will go off and have a baby (or so the plan is), and the finals judges will choose winners to announce in February.
So now you know how I plan to spend my third trimester: parked in a comfy spot, reading lovely picture books to my younguns. Beanie in particular is going to enjoy this particular ‘assignment’ of Mom’s. Wonderboy and Rilla too, no doubt. Nominations are open through October 15th, so get on over there and enter your favorite books from 2008 (one nomination per person per category, I believe—oh, and I’ve heard the Easy Reader category is especially in need of suggestions). Beanie is counting on you.