Twitterlog 2009-06-22

June 22, 2009 @ 4:49 pm | Filed under:
  • OK. We are climbing out of this virus at last. Not better yet, but getting there. The upswing is a much better place to be. #
  • Reading Chocolate Unwrapped by Rowan Jacobsen. Am committing to eating a serving of dark chocolate every day. For health reasons, you know. #
  • Tip: If you drive a white car with your auto-detailing business info on the rear window, you should remove all those huge splotches of mud. #
  • Colum’s CHILDREN’S HOMER was a hit w/ Rose. She’s now moved on to GINGER PYE. Beanie’s book of the week: JAMES & THE GIANT PEACH. #
  • Rose on CHILDREN’S HOMER: I liked the way Hector seemed evil from Achilles’s point of view, but when it was Helen’s pt of view he was good. #
  • Terrific interview w/ author Julianna Baggott, aka Bridget Asher. I’m int’vwing her too, soon. Got questions? #
  • 3 yr old stands amid tumble of plastic food storage containers. “Mommy, none of these shoes fit me!” Yes indeed, she tried them all on. Doh. #
  • Wow, that last tweet really needed a hyphen. Plastic food-storage containers, not storage containers for plastic food. Ha! #
  • So happy the girls’ piano guild auditions are behind us. Also survived the celebratory trip to Claire’s for sunglasses afterward. Woot! #
  • EMAIL FAIL. 90 messages waiting to be answered have just disappeared from my inbox. If I owe you a reply, please try again. Eep. #
  • Feels like a Saturday ’cause Scott was home. Gardened, worked a little on quilting bee, read, ate pancakes, took a nap. Still coughing, alas #
  • Rilla: “I’m mad at exasperlated.” #
  • Reading THE ACTOR AND THE HOUSEWIFE. Driving my children up the wall because I keep giggling out loud. #
  • Clerk at 7-11: “SOMEONE’S got a sweet tooth.” Me: “Someone’s got six kids.” Clerk: “Dude.” Me: “And also a sweet tooth.” #
  • How to make a radish mushroom. Too, too cute. #

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5 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. ChristineMM says:

    Hi Melissa, I follow you on Twitter. Friends are asking me about Twitter, they don’t get it. I’ve been wondering if I do too many updates.

    RE: articles: I find I tweet articles I read that I’d never blog either as I have no time, not much to add to the point of the article or just want to point people to what I’m thinking. Actually in this way my tweets reveal some of my political concerns when that is not the focus of my blog.

    I am getting to know more personal info about some bloggers by following them on Twitter. It’s fun and cool so long as I have time to read them. Well reading 140 characters can be done in seconds…

    Have a great day.

  2. Hannah says:

    At your recommendation I just read Austenland. Couldn’t put it down. I really needed a fun read after Les Miserables, Housekeeping, Mountains Beyond Mountains, Undaunted Courage, etc. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Hannah says:

    Oh, and dude, did your 7-11 clerk look particularly much like Hurley?

  4. Melissa Wiley says:

    More like Charlie. 🙂 Sob…I miss Charlie.

    Hey Hannah, if you liked Austenland, I bet you’ll really like Shannon Hale’s newest, The Actor and the Housewife. I just finished it, really enjoyed it.

  5. Hannah says:

    I am altogether adding that to my “To-Read” List. Maybe after I finish Three Cups of Tea.

    And please, in Season Six, I sure hope they make Charlie’s sacrifice worth it in the end!