
January 14, 2010 @ 8:49 pm | Filed under:

Like everyone else, we are following the reports from Haiti with heavy hearts.

We are especially worried about the Antoine family near Jacmel, whose oldest boy, Arry, we sponsored through Childreach/Plan USA for 14 years, from age 4 until he turned 18. I watched him grow up in the photos and letters that arrived several times a year, and year by year we shared the news of our own growing family. After Arry aged out of the foster child program, we became the sponsors for children in other countries and have not had communications with his family in several years, but he and his parents and brothers and sisters have remained in our hearts. The news from Jacmel is very bad. We are praying.

Plan USA is one of several agencies rushing to lend aid to the victims of the earthquake. To contribute to Plan’s efforts, click this link.

A good source of reports from Port-au-Prince is @RAMhaiti on Twitter.

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5 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Christine M says:

    I’ll keep that family in my prayers – as well as everyone else in Haiti. My brother works at the US embassy there. He’s okay. A neighbor and co-worker is not. He says it’s a nightmare there and I don’t think anyone who is not witnessing it first hand will ever grasp just how horrible it is.

  2. Penny in VT says:

    Praying for Haiti non-stop, with a special intention for this family that you cherish…

  3. Carlie says:

    Oh so sad! It certainly makes it hit home even more when you know names and faces.

  4. Hannah says:

    And have you read Mountains Beyond Mountains? It will definitely put Haiti on your mental radar — although for you, sounds like it was already on there.

  5. Melissa Wiley says:

    Christine, I’ve been following your updates on Facebook. I’m so glad your brother is OK.