Presents from the Internet

March 4, 2010 @ 9:16 pm | Filed under:

This post about what to do with a roast chicken.

This post by Mother Bird.

And this.

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Carlie says:

    Can I just tell you that video left me sitting here with my jaw flopping on my bed. I’m still in my pajamas, checking my feed from bed and dude…THAT is incredible. Mind I link it too if I mention you in my post?

  2. Sarah N. says:

    Fantastic video! I can’t wait to show it to my girls. Definitely a present 🙂

    I love the post at Mother Bird too and next week may involve some roast chicken experimentation now.


  3. Melissa Wiley says:

    I’m a big OK Go fan. They did the awesome treadmill video a few years back—did you see that one? There’s another video for the song above, as well, this one a kind of marching band thing and also very cool. Both are on YouTube.

    Carlie, thanks for the link!