
September 18, 2010 @ 1:12 pm | Filed under:

Rilla, like many another four-year-old, has a deep and affectionate interest in words that rhyme. Today in the car she was thinking of rhymes for the word “cat”—surely one of the most satisfying words for a young English-speaker to rhyme because there are so many ready candidates. She had come up with a long list of the usual examples, and I strung them together into the ubiquitous beginning-reader sentence.

Me: “The fat cat sat on the rat…”

Rilla (laughs at my brilliant and original way with words)

Me: “…and squashed him flat as a mat.”

Rilla: “Um. Actually, it was flat as a cardboard.”

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4 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. MelanieB says:

    Cute! When I try to jump in and play with my rhyming four year-old, I’m usually told to hush she wants to do it on her own. So hard to bite my tongue and keep from offering more and more rhymes.

  2. Heather says:

    How cute 🙂
    My kids are into knock-knock jokes, but don’t ‘get’ how they work, so we have had an endless supply of non-related things made into knock-knock jokes, lol. Kids are fun!! 😀

    I sent you a blog award. I’m not sure if you ‘do’ that, but one was sent to me and I wanted to share it with you since you’re one of the blogs that I read regularly and enjoy very much! Thanks for being awesome 🙂
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  3. tanita says:

    Hah. That’s what the adult gets for thinking she knows that particular story.

    My niece used to ask me to tell her a story… about a boy named Nicky with green eyes who went to school and had a black skateboard. And woe betide anyone who added or subtracted elements from the story. Apparently she just needed me for plot.

  4. Jill says:

    So funny!! Thanks for the chuckle. My kids are 13 and 11 and we are still coming up with rhymes while in the car! What’s up with that? Our latest is:

    Eddie McNeddy and his wife Betty, went down to the jetty to eat spaghetti.