Ichabod Is Itchy and So Am I

April 25, 2011 @ 7:21 pm | Filed under:

(Weird, the video doesn’t show up in the feed. If you’re reading in a feed reader, you’ll have to click through to watch, I guess!)

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11 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. RecollectedStephanie says:

    This just might be the best Reading video ever produced. Good grief, that’s adorable!

  2. Anne V. says:

    They are just too cute..

  3. Sara says:

    That was fun, seeing them in action! One of my favorite books!

  4. Kathryn says:

    So good I had to watch it twice. From this side of the Atlantic, her accent is unbelievably cute ;).

  5. tanita says:


  6. MelanieB says:

    Oh they are both so cute!

  7. Shonda says:

    Those feet! Those FEET! Oh my goodness those are adorable feet! And “Ichabod is itchy” as she scratches her leg! You couldn’t plan such cuteness! 🙂

  8. Sue says:

    I’m impressed that he’s recognizing so many letters at his age. He’s one smart little boy. Of course, it goes without saying that they’re both adorably cute. I wish I had made videos of my kids doing day-to-day things when they were small.

  9. Penny says:

    How do you ever get anything done? I would just watch them all day. Seriously sweet. I can’t believe how big Rilla is, and Huck’s voice? **love**

  10. Melissa Wiley says:

    How do you ever get anything done? I would just watch them all day.

    That, my dear, is why it took me three years to write my last novel! 🙂

  11. sarah says:

    Positively precious. There’s no better way to read than with Dr. Seuss. BTW, the girls and I were doing a tally of blue vs. brown eyes with your tribe. Madeline wanted to know which parent was blue? Are either of you?