Archive for July 19th, 2011

Rillabooks (and others)

July 19, 2011 @ 3:35 pm | Filed under: ,

I know I haven’t done a Rillabooks post in a while. Mostly this is because she’s been requesting rereads of books I’ve already gabbed about here. I did start one draft a while back about a new-to-her book; dunno why I never finished!

“Stand Back,” Said the Elephant, “I’m Going to Sneeze!” by Patricia Thomas

Our copy of this book is a Weekly Reader edition that belonged to Scott when he was little. Delightful art, bursting with personality and humor. The rollicking rhyme works well for this silly tale of animals begging the elephant not to unleash his powerful and destructive sneeze. A frequent read-aloud request from my younger children. (I admit: when Huck’s the sole requester, I usually only read the first couple of lines on each page. The book is a bit text-heavy for a two-year-old, but it entrances the five-year-old.)

(The formatting is because I was experimenting with a GoodReads feature.)

I’ve been jotting lists of daily read-alouds on [social network I’m talking too much about] most nights. I’m going to fold those notes into a list here, for our family archive and in order to share them with you. But most, as you’ll see, are repeats.

Rocket to the Moon (A surprise present from my little goddaughter. Her mama, one of my best friends, sent me a video of the two of them enjoying this very book the other day, and I watched it about fifteen times in succession and melted every time. And then a copy arrived for us. Huck is ENCHANTED. Animals build a rocket! To the moon! This is pretty much perfection, as far as he is concerned.)

We squoze in time for a half chapter of Little House in the Big Woods (the panther story) and a rousing, NOT-sleep-inducing rendition of Dinosaur vs Bedtime.

The Poky Little Puppy
I Can Fly (the Little Golden Book by Ruth Kraus)
and Rilla read herself a Little Bear book, to her own surprise and delight. “I didn’t know I knew all those words!”

Hide and Seek in the Yellow House (jiminy crickets, do my younguns love that book)
Princess Peepers
Cars & Trucks & Things that Go
Little House in the Big Woods

~July 11th, rounding up a few days’ worth~
Hush Little Dragon
Stellaluna (We found it!)*
Harold & the Purple Crayon (twice)
The Ear Book (umpteen times)
Bake Sale (new graphic novel from First Second, read two chapters to a THRONG)

This morning I was presented with a stack by all three of my small fry:

Brave Georgie Goat (One of our family favorites, you know…)
Penny and the Punctuation Bee
Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach

Of course the day’s not over yet.

*I’m glad Stellaluna was lost at first because its elusiveness is what led us to The Bat-Poet instead, a book I am heart-glad to have added to Rilla’s world (and mine)

New Post at GeekMom

July 19, 2011 @ 5:14 am | Filed under:

GeekMomPart Four of my GeekMom series on Google+ is up. Today’s topic: assorted tips.

Addendum: in the comments, the very wise Sherry asks a sensible question: If you’re already active on FB/blogs/Twitter, what’s so appealing about yet another social network? Here’s my answer. (Nutshell version: G+ has everything I want in a social network—except YOU. You-plural. I wish you were all there.) 😉

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