Sunday Garden Notes

April 1, 2012 @ 7:06 pm | Filed under:

We harvested most of the radishes. There is nothing, but nothing, like the sight of a three-year-old’s face alight in wonder at his first glimpse of those bright red globes. (But then the long taproots alarmed him and he flung his harvest into the dirt.)

Something is eating my baby lettuces. Peter Rabbit, probably, thinks Rilla, who has been enjoying the Potter stories with me. I always seem to pull them out this time of year.

We have exactly one lime on the little tree that has never produced in the five years we’ve had it. Much hope hangs upon this rather unimpressive specimen…

The heavy rains two weeks ago washed out most of our carrot seedlings. I need to replant and keep forgetting.

Bees are ecstatic in the salvia, tree mallow, and nasturtiums. There’s a single blossom on Rose’s yellow rosebush. It’s quite a stunner, as if the bush put everything it had into this one glorious flower. This is the bud that was crawling with aphids the other day. Rilla enlisted the aid of a ladybug and it must have lunched itself to the bursting point, because the blossom is unblemished.

I’m still waiting for the bees to find the borage we planted last week. I have my doubts about it; it’s an unusual white variety, and I wasn’t sure it would attract bees at all. White flowers are night flowers, the delight of moths. But Farmer Bill assured me it’s a bee charmer, and Farmer Bill knows his stuff. We’ll be patient.

Only one of my sunflowers came up! It’s taller than Huck now and working on a bud. I wonder what critters got the rest of the seeds?

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6 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. sarah says:

    How lovely that you are providing such a feast for bees ๐Ÿ™‚ Those radishes look great!

  2. tanita says:

    Yaaaaaaaay! Radishes! With squicky tails!!! (I kind of felt that way the first time I saw quinoa – Yay, something like rice! Boo, tails!) Are the lettuces peppered with tiny holes, or are they wholesale vanishing? We had Peter, Mopsy and Flopsy, but we had the neighborhood wandering chickens, too. And then we had flea beetles. Lettuce grows better in a windowbox, I find; I actually get to eat it then.

    I CANNOT WAIT to get back to gardening/dirt. D. is doing interviews so my heart is beating soon/soon/soon…

  3. Ellie says:

    Mice (the sunflower seeds)

    Love the photo of the radishes — with Truck! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Mary says:

    We have never had honey bees before this year. In our front yard, we have a flowering orchid tree (I have been told by others that it is a flowering orchid tree). I don’t know where the hive is, and the bees have not harmed any of us. They are fun to watch. Yesterday, I pulled a limb down to smell the flower, and I almost stuck my nose onto a bee, but he looked as startled as me. I wish I could find a local brochure on what blooms around here. Thanks for encouraging us. I love your garden and book notes, not to mention the lovely stories of your family.

  5. Karyn @ Kloppenmum says:

    Yum! Fresh radishes! We planted the purple/blue variety of borage so I will be interested to hear how the white variety works out for you.

  6. mamacrow says:

    what darling rasishes! How very Milly Molly Mandy ๐Ÿ˜€