Library Day

April 20, 2012 @ 8:16 pm | Filed under:

We haven’t been to the big branch with the excellent children’s room in a while. Huck thought he’d gone to heaven. Books, puzzles, a giant hopscotch mat, and a child’s-sized fire engine? Those letters over the door may as well spell out “Huck’s Palace o’ Fun,” as far as he was concerned.

I saw Angus and the Ducks on the shelf and realized (with a Miss Rumphius pang) that none of my three youngest children have met that intrepid Scottish terrier yet. Our copy of Angus fell apart, oh, back when Beanie was Huck’s age. So naturally we had to bring him home, along with a new-to-us Elephant and Piggie (always a happy day, finding a new Elephant and Piggie) and a stack of other enticing titles…methinks it’s going to be a very good Saturday.

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Phoebe says:

    Sean just read Angus Lost last night to the two youngest girls.

    We have rebought many books. The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear, Danny and the Dinosaur, and a delightful little book called Caterpillar’s Wish (now out of print) all come to mind as recent re-purchases.

  2. Ellie says:

    Some (many. Most?) of my most passionately treasured memories of raising my children are located within the walls of favorite libraries and bookstores, filling hours upon hours upon days and years with books and books and library toys. **drifting sigh** ….

    And Angus, is wonderful 🙂

  3. Penny says:

    We just reread Miss Rumphius yesterday. I still need to work on what I’m going to do to make the world more beautiful, besides give it two beautiful women I mean!

    We all know what you’re doing… between your writing, your children, your garden… *everything* you do makes the world more beautiful!