Where the Weekend Went

May 21, 2012 @ 6:24 pm | Filed under: , , ,

The eclipse through Scott’s homemade pinhole lens.

Eclipse shadows through the trees—lovely.

I watched him walk back and forth past my overgrown coreopsis for a good five minutes—walking deliberately close to them so that they repeatedly thwapped him in the face. This is fun because…why?

Scrub jay. Showed off for half an hour in various parts of the yard, preening, strutting, demanding admiration. We obliged. 🙂

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4 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. tanita says:

    I think it’s still so cool that we all do the eclipse thing and make the cameras for a phenomenon that has been happening over and over again for ages. And we still get excited.

    Also: flower kisses – something else to be excited by, even if they’re a little whippy of kisses. Huck is hilarious.

  2. sarah says:

    I love the tree shadow. That is really cool.


  3. sarah says:

    I think that that was was a really good picture of the Scrub Jay. I can hardly take a picture of a bird without it flying away.


  4. Melissa Wiley says:

    Madeline, thanks so much for your comments! What a treat to see you here. 🙂

    Tanita, I was laughing again over the whole series of Huck flower-in-the-face photos. I may have to post the lot of them for you.