San Diego Library Grand Opening

September 27, 2013 @ 5:44 am | Filed under: ,

Tomorrow, Saturday the 28th! I’ll be there—will you?

Look for me at the SCBWI booth between noon and 5. Lots of other children’s authors attending too. My books will be available at the Yellow Book Road booth. The San Diego Mini Maker Faire will have a booth as well—I can’t wait to check it out!

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2 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Penny says:

    I wish I could be there! Sending you lots of library love from waaaaaay over here – have a great time, and enjoy that library!!!

  2. sarah says:

    Another new library! My heart is going pitter-patter with joy. Our grand opening was today. Not quite as fun as the book brigade, but still a monumental occasion. Have a great afternoon!