Archive for the ‘Carnivals’ Category

Got Your Sunscreen On?

August 15, 2006 @ 6:19 am | Filed under:

Because it’s carnival time! This week’s Carnival of Homeschooling is hosted by the nice folks at The Common Room. And I’m kicking myself because I totally meant to send a post their way. Ah, well.

Best line (and terrific post): "Bwa ha ha. Charlotte Mason and Dr. Who?" Gotta love that Mama Squirrel.

Other blog carnival action this week:

The brand-new Carnival of Yum. Yum!

The first in a series of Loveliness Fairs: Simple Elegance in the Kitchen.

The 80th Carnival of Education.

And finally: it’s time (hooray!) for the next Field Day, or carnival of nature study, at By Sun and Candlelight. Submissions are due by Friday; details here.

Rilla asks, "When is the Carnival of Babies Who Wear Overlarge Hair Accessories?"


Carnival of Children’s Literature: Submissions Due Tomorrow

August 15, 2006 @ 5:17 am | Filed under:

Don’t forget: tomorrow is the deadline for submitting a post to the August edition of the Carnival of Children’s Literature, hosted by Castle of the Immaculate. You may send posts to kidlitcarnival [at] gmail [dot] com, or use the handy–dandy button in my sidebar. Which reminds me! I meant to say, if you’d like a button of your own, email me (at the link, not at the carnival address above) and I’ll send you the code.

Upcoming carnival hosts:
September—Wands & Worlds
October—Scholar’s Blog
November—A Readable Feast

Care to host? Drop me a note!

Comments are off

Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?

August 9, 2006 @ 1:45 pm | Filed under:

"Well, how do you like them?" said Marilla.

Anne was standing in the gable room, looking solemnly
at three new dresses spread out on the bed. One was of snuffy colored
gingham which Marilla had been tempted to buy from a peddler the
preceding summer because it looked so serviceable; one was of
black-and-white checkered sateen which she had picked up at a bargain
counter in the winter; and one was a stiff print of an ugly blue shade
which she had purchased that week at a Carmody store.

She had made them up herself, and they were all made
alike—plain skirts fulled tightly to plain waists, with sleeves as
plain as waist and skirt and tight as sleeves could be.

"I’ll imagine that I like them," said Anne soberly.

"I don’t want you to imagine it," said Marilla,
offended. "Oh, I can see you don’t like the dresses! What is the matter
with them? Aren’t they neat and clean and new?"


"Then why don’t you like them?"

"They’re—they’re not—pretty," said Anne reluctantly.

"Pretty!" Marilla sniffed. "I didn’t trouble my head
about getting pretty dresses for you. I don’t believe in pampering
vanity, Anne, I’ll tell you that right off. Those dresses are good,
sensible, serviceable dresses, without any frills or furbelows about
them, and they’re all you’ll get this summer. The brown gingham and the
blue print will do you for school when you begin to go. The sateen is
for church and Sunday school. I’ll expect you to keep them neat and
clean and not to tear them. I should think you’d be grateful to get
most anything after those skimpy wincey things you’ve been wearing."

"Oh, I AM grateful," protested Anne. "But I’d be ever
so much gratefuller if—if you’d made just one of them with puffed
sleeves. Puffed sleeves are so fashionable now. It would give me such a
thrill, Marilla, just to wear a dress with puffed sleeves."

—from Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery

As you can see right over there in the left sidebar, I’ve added a nifty button linking to the BlogCarnival archives for the Carnival of Children’s Literature. You can clicky clicky to find all the previous editions and submission info for the next one (which will be hosted on August 18th by Castle of the Immaculate). And we have some terrific blogs lined up to host the next few months’ carnivals: Wands & Worlds in September; Scholar’s Blog in October; and A Readable Feast in November.

However, while undeniably serviceable, the button isn’t much of a looker, is it? I don’t suppose any of the graphically gifted among you would like to design a Carnival of Children’s Literature button, would you? Maybe, please? Perhaps something with, just to throw out a wild idea, books? We (and by this I mean the royal we, you know) would be ever so grateful. Puffed sleeves: optional.

Carnival of Homeschooling Week 30: Schoolhouse Rock

July 25, 2006 @ 7:41 am | Filed under:

Welcome to CoH Week 30! Here in The Lilting House, we are mighty big fans of Schoolhouse Rock (which recently celebrated its own 30th anniversary). It gives us, therefore, great pleasure to present the Schoolhouse Rock edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling. Enjoy!

A Noun Is a Person, Place, or Thing
it’s any name you’ve ever heard,
I find it quite interesting…

In a link-packed series of posts about homeschooling preschoolers, Elizabeth Foss takes a look at what a wonderful thing it is to satisfy a small child’s appetite for learning with treasures like the art box, enjoyable language arts materials, and number fun.

At Trivium Pursuit, Laurie Bluedorn gives her best copywork advice.

Dawn Hanigan talks books, books, and more books in What’s the Big (Book) Idea?

In an inspiring post called Cleaning Up the Schoolroom, Karen Edmisten examines what Henry Ward Beecher means when she says, "A mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom."

The Four-Legged Zoo
I went to the four-legged zoo, to visit my four-footed friends…

At Principled Discovery, Dana discusses Meerkats, Homeschooling and the Socialization Question.

The Common Room‘s Deputyheadmistress shares an arkful of More Neat Pond Study Websites.

At Sweetness and Light, Happyheartsmom’s children are having Fanciful Fun With Fairies.

Verb: That’s What’s Happening
I don’t know my own power…

At Lone Star Academy, Brandi is finalizing her 2006/2007 curriculum & schedule. Over in The Heart of the Home, Janet is also assessing her goals for the upcoming school year.

My Hero Zero
…such a funny little hero,
until you came along, we counted on our fingers and toes…

 At Learning Life Through Unschooling, Amalapert asks: What About Math?

Updated! Elena chimes in with an Ode to Saxon Math.

shares her top ten list of things to do when you first start
homeschooling (especially if you live in Texas).


So when you’re happy (Hurray!) or sad (Aw!)
Or frightened (Eeeeeek!) or mad (Rats!)
Or excited (Wow!) or glad (Hey!)
An interjection starts a sentence right.

At Why Homeschool, Janine discusses a few reasons why some people are hostile to homeschooling.

Carole of Mt. Pleasant Classical Academy shares her own experiences with Nay-Sayers.

Alesandra can answer their objections with her thoughts on why Homeschooling is a Great Idea.

Conjunction Junction
What’s your function?

The PalmTree
shares What She Learned on Her Summer Vacation at the Veritas Press teacher training conference.

The Thinking Mother encourages
nervous parents need to trust their children’s natural learning processes as they live the homeschooling


The Body Machine
…to keep the engine running, you need energy
for this high-powered, revved-up body machine

Researchers have made it official: kids need to play outside. Barbara Frank asks: Shouldn’t this be obvious?

Beginning homeschooler Mary Beth shares her thoughts on mommy burnout.

Three-Ring Government
…Talkin’ about the government and how it’s arranged,
    Divided in three like a circus…

Spunky has been following the fight between the parents of 16 year
old homeschooler Abraham Cherrix and the State of Virginia to determine
who is the final authority in his medical treatment for Hodgkins
Lymphoma. The outcome of this case is precedent setting in parents’
rights to determine what is best for their children. Says the boy’s father: Pray this never happens to you.

CraftyMama wonders what makes a homeschooling friendly candidate.

The Shot Heard Round the World
…was the start of the revolution!
The Minute Men were ready on the move…

At Farm School, Becky is saddened but not particularly surprised to read a recent New
York Times article about the continuing poor quality of textbooks,
which gives her the chance to enthuse about some more of her
favorite history books.

TexasEd says: It can be hard to teach thinking outside the box
when you measure your success by your acceptance inside the box.

In our contribution, we take a look at an educator who thought outside the box and inspired a multitude. (And for a daily dose of this esteemed personage’s writings, visit the brand-new blog A Full Life.)

Interplanet Janet Shannon

…she’s a galaxy girl!

For next week’s carnival, you’ll want to zip over to PHAT Mommy’s corner of the blogosphere. Find submission info here and archives of previous carnivals there. Thanks for schoolhouse-rocking with us!

*Carnival bonus: lyrics to all the Schoolhouse Rock songs!


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