Got Your Sunscreen On?

August 15, 2006 @ 6:19 am | Filed under:

Because it’s carnival time! This week’s Carnival of Homeschooling is hosted by the nice folks at The Common Room. And I’m kicking myself because I totally meant to send a post their way. Ah, well.

Best line (and terrific post): "Bwa ha ha. Charlotte Mason and Dr. Who?" Gotta love that Mama Squirrel.

Other blog carnival action this week:

The brand-new Carnival of Yum. Yum!

The first in a series of Loveliness Fairs: Simple Elegance in the Kitchen.

The 80th Carnival of Education.

And finally: it’s time (hooray!) for the next Field Day, or carnival of nature study, at By Sun and Candlelight. Submissions are due by Friday; details here.

Rilla asks, "When is the Carnival of Babies Who Wear Overlarge Hair Accessories?"


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2 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Mama Squirrel says:

    Thank you! 🙂

  2. Dawn says:

    Thank you very much, Lissa! Love that Rilla pic too! 🙂