Archive for the ‘GeekMom posts’ Category
The next installment in my GeekMom subscription box series is up: Subscription Boxes for Gamers, Crafters, and Etsy Enthusiasts. I had a verrrrry good time exploring the samples for this one. My feeling about all the boxes I’ve reviewed so far is: I couldn’t justify the expense for myself, but they are GREAT gift ideas. Christmas shopping is going to be a cinch this year. There’ll be one more installment in the series later this week.

Quick note to say I’ve got a new piece up at GeekMom:
Give a Box of Fun: Five Subscription Kits for Kids.
I’m doing a bunch of these subscription boxes reviews and this one was particularly fun to research: arts-and-crafts kits for kids. With, like, all the stuff for projects right in one box.
I’ve also reviewed some exceedingly tasty food-themed boxes: Knoshbox and La Bella Box. In my next installment, I’m looking at artsy-crafts subscriptions, and then after that, more food. Fun project. 🙂
I reviewed a Knoshbox for GeekMom. It contained bacon peanut brittle. Words can’t even.
I’m proud of my piece at GeekMom today: An interview with my friend Holly Miller, who battled her school district for three years to get necessary Braille instruction for her son, Hank. Hank, like my own Wonderboy, has oculocutaneous albinism—in Hank’s case, the effects on his vision are severe. He is legally blind. But the school district considers him a sighted reader and opposed teaching him Braille. Holly and her husband Jeff took the case to court—and won. I hope you’ll click through and read the article!
In a Digital Age, Braille Is Still Important | GeekMom |
…Austen, that is. I meant to link to this last week: one* of my favorite finds at Wondercon.

*The link goes to a GeekMom post about my favorite Wondercon finds, plural, but it was the LittleBookwormz “J is for Jane” shirt (and W is for William, E is for Edgar, etc) that I thought my Bonny Glen friends might be particularly interested in. 🙂
(And yep, you bet I brought one home for my own Jane!)
At GeekMom again. Going to be a looooonnnng wait until Season 3…
At least there’s always Mad Men.
An aside: Last night on Twitter, Amy Kraft joked that she’d like to see early readers based on Downton. I spent the rest of the night entertaining myself (if no one else) with Downton Abbey: The Nursery Years.
We hid in the garden from the nasty governess.
Carson found us in the shrubbery.
Granny was quite put out.
What’s funny is that in its first incarnation, way back in 2006, my book that is now called The Prairie Thief was going to be set in an Upstairs/Downstairs-esque Edwardian household. We’d been watching U/D and I was captivated by the dynamics, especially the downstairs crowd; the main character was going to be the daughter of a servant. But about two chapters in, the whole story up and transplanted itself to a landscape I knew inside and out: the Colorado prairie. Eventually the story itself transformed into an entirely different tale. So I guess that original story is still lurking in my brain somewhere, awaiting its turn. 🙂
Won’t be soon, though; I’m neck-deep in a Whole Nother Book.
I’m dishing Downton Abbey over at GeekMom again. Come obsess with me!
We’re discussing Downton Abbey in the comments over at GeekMom. Care to join us?
Occurs to me I forgot to share yesterday’s GeekMom post, a follow-up to recent posts here on Bonny Glen: Why Curated Content Matters.
My Diigo share widget is working quite well. It’s a satisfactory way for me to share links with others, although it lacks the reciprocity of Reader Share; you can’t comment back on my links. But please always feel free to come here to discuss anything I’ve shared, eh?
Now what I need to know is this: where are YOU sharing curated links now that your handy Reader Share button is no more?