Saw this on Twitter and had to share! I love Wendi Gratz’s work—her book is one of Beanie’s go-to resources—and this doll + clothes pattern club such a fun idea I wanted to pass it on.
You’re Invited to the Dress Up Bunch Club! – Shiny Happy World.
Join the club and on the 13th of every month you’ll get a brand new, never-seen before pattern!
The pattern in January will be for a new Dress Up Bunch doll (a human girl).
Every month after that for the rest of the year, the pattern will be for an outfit and some accessory (or accessories) to go with the doll. I don’t know what they’ll be yet (though I have some ideas) but at least some of them will tie in to seasons or holidays.
You’ll receive the pattern by email. You can start sewing that very day!
This isn’t an affiliate link or sponsored post, just a gift idea I thought some of you might enjoy. 🙂
November 29, 2012 @ 1:45 pm | Filed under:

I wrote about Wonder Box in my GeekMom review of subscription boxes for kids:
I discovered Wonder Box when I was looking for a birthday gift for my three-year-old godchild, the brilliant daughter of my fellow GeekMom, Kristen Rutherford. When it comes to presents, I’m usually sort of a one-note giver — books, books, and more books — but this time, I wanted to give something different, something Kristen and Vivi could do together. Something hands-on, creative, and fun. The second I saw Wonder Box, an assortment of crafts and activities aimed at kids ages 3-6, I knew I’d hit a bullseye. You can order Wonder Box as a one-time gift, or sign up for a monthly subscription.
More details in the post. They’re now offering a $5 discount on orders through Jan. 13—use code HOLIDAY5-03 at checkout.

Quick note to say I’ve got a new piece up at GeekMom:
Give a Box of Fun: Five Subscription Kits for Kids.
I’m doing a bunch of these subscription boxes reviews and this one was particularly fun to research: arts-and-crafts kits for kids. With, like, all the stuff for projects right in one box.
I’ve also reviewed some exceedingly tasty food-themed boxes: Knoshbox and La Bella Box. In my next installment, I’m looking at artsy-crafts subscriptions, and then after that, more food. Fun project. 🙂

I’m rerunning this old post full of gift ideas for homeschoolers—or anyone, really! Most of the posts linked below are a few years old and could be added to, of course. For now, a big round-up of posts from the past.
• The Grandpa Gifts (personalized alphabet books & placemats)
• Books we love
• More books we love
• Still more, some real gems in this one
• More, some out of print but track-downable
• A bunch of nature & gardening books I like
Interjection: The above is a series of posts I wrote several years ago. There are, needless to say, many more books I could add to the list of Books We Love. Such as:
• the new Betsy-Tacy reissues
• Shark vs. Train
• Miss Suzy
• everything on my Truly, Maudly, Deeply list
• books about our Favorite Fictional Families
I’ve compiled all of them in my giant master list of book recommendations
Now back to the original post—
• Signing Time DVDs
• More about Signing Time
• Yet more about Signing Time

• Settlers of Catan, Wedgits
• Books on drawing
• Art prints
• Family memberships to zoos, museums, etc.
• MUSE magazine, CLICK, ODYSSEY, SPIDER, ASK, MY BIG BACKYARD—all these have been much-appreciated gifts to my kids by Scott’s parents
• My most widely linked post: Things to buy instead of curriculum
Each of the above links is a longer post on the subject.