August 9, 2012 @ 10:25 am | Filed under:
…for now just a quick note to say there’s a new Thicklebit up!
I just spent two hours cleaning the playroom. Chased out so many spiders I feel like Aunt Sponge. Or was it Aunt Spiker? Either way. All the new crayons and glue sticks we bought at the super-bargain back-to-school sales now have their Very Own Drawer. That is the exciting news of my day. I’m not even kidding. Genuinely excited to open that drawer and see the array of Crayola boxes. I’m a cheap date. 🙂
August 6, 2012 @ 1:12 pm | Filed under:

Today’s Thicklebit comic is a particular favorite of mine…you may have heard the story here on Bonny Glen at some point. 🙂
And I was delighted to read my fellow GeekMom writer Amy Kraft’s take on Thicklebit at Wired today:
Each comic features one of those weird little moments. You know the ones I mean. Your kid says something strange and hilarious and you think, “How did I get here, in this moment, in this situation?”
We appreciate the shout-out!
In case you missed it, Scott wrote a post last week about how Thicklebit came into being. (I earned the title of webpixie over there because I’m always sneaking into his site and uploading pictures and reviews, since he never does it himself. Ahem.)
A non-Thicklebit piece of news: tomorrow, yippee!, is launch day for Fox and Crow Are Not Friends. So excited to get to share it with everyone. But more on that tomorrow…
A story is always different when Scott tells it.
It’s Thursday, so that means a new Thicklebit. I like Thursdays. 🙂
I was looking for something in my archives and stumbled upon a very old post that made me smile. 2005, so let’s see…Beanie was about 4 1/2? Rose would’ve been about 7, Jane not quite 10. And they’re all still so exactly like the girls in this post. Just, you know, OLD.
Via my friend Phoebe: This castle is for sale in Ireland. If you loved me, you would buy it for me.
My friend Kathy Ceceri’s very cool Robotics book is now available in paperback. Includes a lot of DIY how-to: seriously fun stuff there.
Remember that time Rilla thought the phrase “into the thick of it” was “into the thicklebit”? And I loved it so much I threatened to rename this blog after it? Well, we’ve decided to go one better. Voila…Into the Thicklebit, a webcomic cowritten by Scott and me, and illustrated by the impossibly brilliant Chris Gugliotti. We hope you’ll enjoy it. You may recognize some Bonny Glen moments here and there. (Hair color has been changed to protect the obstreperous.) 😉

I’ll add a button to the sidebar after SDCC madness is over. We’re aiming for new strips twice a week, when time permits. Tomorrow’s is one of my favorites. (And 100% true.)