November 29, 2012 @ 1:45 pm | Filed under:

I wrote about Wonder Box in my GeekMom review of subscription boxes for kids:
I discovered Wonder Box when I was looking for a birthday gift for my three-year-old godchild, the brilliant daughter of my fellow GeekMom, Kristen Rutherford. When it comes to presents, I’m usually sort of a one-note giver — books, books, and more books — but this time, I wanted to give something different, something Kristen and Vivi could do together. Something hands-on, creative, and fun. The second I saw Wonder Box, an assortment of crafts and activities aimed at kids ages 3-6, I knew I’d hit a bullseye. You can order Wonder Box as a one-time gift, or sign up for a monthly subscription.
More details in the post. They’re now offering a $5 discount on orders through Jan. 13—use code HOLIDAY5-03 at checkout.

I’m rerunning this old post full of gift ideas for homeschoolers—or anyone, really! Most of the posts linked below are a few years old and could be added to, of course. For now, a big round-up of posts from the past.
• The Grandpa Gifts (personalized alphabet books & placemats)
• Books we love
• More books we love
• Still more, some real gems in this one
• More, some out of print but track-downable
• A bunch of nature & gardening books I like
Interjection: The above is a series of posts I wrote several years ago. There are, needless to say, many more books I could add to the list of Books We Love. Such as:
• the new Betsy-Tacy reissues
• Shark vs. Train
• Miss Suzy
• everything on my Truly, Maudly, Deeply list
• books about our Favorite Fictional Families
I’ve compiled all of them in my giant master list of book recommendations
Now back to the original post—
• Signing Time DVDs
• More about Signing Time
• Yet more about Signing Time

• Settlers of Catan, Wedgits
• Books on drawing
• Art prints
• Family memberships to zoos, museums, etc.
• MUSE magazine, CLICK, ODYSSEY, SPIDER, ASK, MY BIG BACKYARD—all these have been much-appreciated gifts to my kids by Scott’s parents
• My most widely linked post: Things to buy instead of curriculum
Each of the above links is a longer post on the subject.