Duke Ellington Meets Tchaikovsky

December 19, 2011 @ 7:05 am | Filed under: ,

Swiped from Scott’s Facebook:

“I know that song,” says the five-year-old, eyes lighting up. She bobs her head. “That’s jazz.”

He’d looked this clip up because I got excited when Julie Danielson mentioned (also on Facebook) that she was working on a review of this picture book for SevenImp:

Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite
by Anna Harwell Celenza.

Looking forward to Jules’s review, and to checking out this book!

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5 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. tanita says:

    I learn MORE from picture books sometimes than I do from anywhere else. Isn’t this awesome?

  2. Tabatha says:

    I just posted a Jazz Nutcracker album cover last Thursday — Ellington looks cool as a nutcracker!

  3. scott (the other one) says:

    This clip makes me feel it’s kind of unfair. The way Duke sits down at the piano and just owns it so effortlessly, how smooth he is with the interviewer, how good-looking and snappily dressed, not to mention the fact that he’s a musical genius. I mean, come ON. Uncool to mere mortals.

  4. maria says:

    Oh now THIS is exactly what my less than ideal Monday needed! Thank you! Christmas and jazz equals joyful bliss. 😀

  5. Cyndi says:

    We wouldn’t have discovered “I Want My Hat Back” if it hadn’t been for your sharing here, so I wanted to let you know it is featured on Brain Pickings today including a video book trailer. Thanks for all you do! Warmly, Cyndi