day 25: birthday

January 25, 2017 @ 9:16 pm | Filed under: ,

It’s 9pm, I’ve just sent off an assignment that was due, and we’re about to celebrate Beanie’s birthday with a viewing of The Fellowship of the Ring. (Well, half of it. It’s long. It’s late.)

This morning I taught my three local literature classes, wrapping up with a close reading of Billy Collin’s “Marginalia” with the four 7th-8th grade boys in my last class. They loved the egg-salad stains. I love them—all these kids in my little seminar-classes. Beanie’s class is developing outlines for King Lear essays, so that was a lively discussion. We sit at the outdoor tables at a taco shop (ever since our cafe closed down) near a culinary school. Today, a few minutes into our session, the lovely server at the taco shop came out with a plate full of gorgeous little tarts and pastries, beglazed, beswirled, bedrizzled. The culinary students are doing desserts this week and their instructor shares the overflow with the taco shop staff, who in turned shared the bounty with us. And ten minutes later, the chef walked past our table with a platter held high—a few dozen more confections. Into the taco shop he went, and out came our server friend with another plate to share. 🙂 Now that’s how to fuel teenage writers.

Sixteen. The child below is sixteen now, many inches taller than her mother. May her days be filled with lemon-cream surprises forevermore.




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4 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Penny says:

    Happy birthday to your dear girl, long may she smile! 🙂

  2. Ellie says:

    !!16!! Blessings and Happiest of Birthdays to your darling girl. These milestones are so bittersweet for us Mamas! My ‘baby’ will be fifteen (15) very very soon. Madness, I tell you, this thing called time ….

  3. sarah says:

    Happy birthday and many blessings for your sweet sixteen year old, and very lovely, Beanie of The Magnificent Hair!

    I sure wish we had people serving us cakes at our homeschool classes! You have the best homeschool ever.

  4. Anne V. says:

    16!! It can’t be!!! Happy Birthday, Beanie!!