George in Orange?

June 27, 2006 @ 6:11 am | Filed under:

Jane heard from a friend that dollar bills were going to be printed in orange from now on. I didn’t think that sounded correct, so I suggested we look it uā€”

Look it up?” snorted Scott. Jane guffawed. Oh, sure, they mock me, but they love me.

Well, we did look it up (so there) and here’s what we found. As I thought, there are no plans in the works for orange smackeroos, but the U. S. Treasury’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing website offers a nifty interactive tour of the new and improved tens, twenties, and fifties.

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4 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Amber says:

    Thanks for the link! I received one of those new 10’s at the farmer’s market on Saturday and I thought it was fake! The vendor assured me that it was the new style and so I accepted it… but I did feel a little bit of hesitation when I handed it over at the next stall. They really are rather different looking – I wish I had been able to hold onto it a little longer so that I could have studied it more.

  2. Donna says:

    Thanks for the link, Lissa. The kids enjoyed it.

  3. Karen E. says:

    Thanks for the link. The kids and I enjoyed it.

    I’m famous for “look it up” around here, too. Just yesterday we were online to look up a recipe for bannocks (those Martha books make a person hungry ….)

  4. Mary Beth Patnaude says:

    Thanks for the tip- we “looked it up” and enjoyed the post. Just this morning, we looked up a picture of a Bison, the kids wanted to know what they look like. Thank God for high speed internet!