Rose: What do they have in San Diego–wolves, foxes, or coyotes?
Me, thinking it’s the setup for a joke: Um, coyotes?
Rose, dead serious: Oh great. From bears to coyotes! That really is out of the frying pan into the oven.
We’re in Charleston WV, not-sleeping in a hotel room. This morning was hard: the goodbyes. Then the Blue Ridge slipping away behind us. But oh the gorgeous views. We saw autumn progress by the hour: so many more reds and goldens in the trees here.
Stopped for a long break at the New River Gorge visitor center: awesome. Kids had a ball hunting the answers to nature mystery exhibits. I stopped there on a whim and we wound up staying almost an hour.

Oh hooray. Wonderboy is finally nodding off. Me too.
The house is empty, and it’s time to say good-bye to this green valley. Away, we’re bound away…