Sometimes It’s Hard to Make a Positive ID
Rose: “Mom! I just saw either a horse or an elk. I couldn’t see the head or the tail, so I can’t be sure which. It was definitely brown, though.”
Rose: “Mom! I just saw either a horse or an elk. I couldn’t see the head or the tail, so I can’t be sure which. It was definitely brown, though.”
I think I am now on a mission to title every other post with song lyrics. Just so you know.
I haven’t actually stood on any corners in Arizona yet, though. After our Hair-Raising Adventure, which cannot be described with thumbs alone and must therefore wait until I reach the New House (hint: it involves vomit, plane tickets, and a pack of junkyard dogs), all I could do was deposit us in this hotel, which has plenty of corners but not the kind you stand on.
I suppose I should be glad we made it 2,417 miles before anyone threw up in the car.
Before that, though: Loretto Chapel (breathtaking despite the touristy entrance fee), Sandia Crest, and the NW NM visitor’s Center (possibly the cleanest bathroom in America and a cool video on volcanoes).
I love the road signs in New Mexico. Polite, noncommittal, vaguely existential.
Gusty winds did in fact exist when we crossed Raton Pass from Colorado into New Mexico. Also gorgeous views. This is one spectacularly beautiful countrýwe live in.
Yesterday’s travel highlights: a golden eagle swooping over the road, a herd of bison (not wild), lots of mule deer, prairie dogs, and–hey, Steve!–llamas. Also Pike’s Peak, the Greenhorn Mountains, the Sangre de Christos, and the Spanish Peaks. Googleworthy landmarks: site of the Ludlow Massacre and Wagon Mound, NM. This morning we will explore Santa Fe, especially the church with the miraculous staircase. I have a great respect for the Sisters of Loretto, who built the church–but not the stair. (Something else for you to Google.)
And more hotel infamy! Last night we managed to lock our bathroom door from the inside when no one was in it. Brilliant!
Beanie on Emeril: “Wow, he must be a professional!”