Oh Give Me a Home Where My Phone Doesn’t Roam

October 10, 2006 @ 7:55 am | Filed under:

We’re in Colorado! No web access all day yesterday, but loads of fun. Really. The Prairie Museum of Art & History in Colby, Kansas: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Super fun even in cold rain. More on that later.

More on everything later! For now: Pike’s Peak or Bust! OK, not really. We aren’t going to Colorado Springs. Grandma’s House or Bust! Only a few hours to go before we descend upon my parents in a noisy, rowdy, riled-up bunch. You sure you’re ready for this, Mom?

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2 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Mary G says:

    Oh yay, Lissa! We’re so happy you’re having a safe trip….and we may actually get to meet!

    Did you stop at the Cathedral of the Plains near Salina? I did an article on it for the NCRegister a few years back — it really is worth a stop (I say this after you’ve already passed it, of course).

  2. Karen E. says:

    Oh, darn — if we’d driven on just a wee bit west with you we could’ve seen the Prairie Museum, too! 😉