
November 22, 2010 @ 4:03 pm | Filed under:

If I don’t catch up on my backlog of posts soon, I might explode. I still have unfinished drafts about our trip this summer. And the Minnesota/Kidlitcon/Mankato/Margaret expedition! And Saturday’s fabulous Betsy-Tacy party at Readers Inc! And forty-odd CYBILs nominees to talk about!

What is a busy motherwriterblogger to do?

Ignore the drafts (again) and write about something else (again), I guess. Like Rilla’s sudden passion for Scotch tape. Four-year-old girl? Check. Pile of construction paper? Check. Endless stream of sticky creations? Check check check. They call it magic tape for a reason. I’ve got a very thick green airplane to prove it.

My cell phone spent the weekend in a bag of rice and seems to be more or less recovered from its hot-cocoa bath. Except that all my ringtones have spontaneously rearranged themselves. Scott’s used to be a Green Day song. Today when he called me while I was sitting in the eye doctor’s waiting room, “Magical Mystery Tour” blared out. I think the volume controls have been reset, too. And where my friend Alice’s calls used to elicit a soft, delicate Ave Maria, there is now a sailor’s hornpipe. Make of this what you will.

iPhoto is eating up all my laptop’s memory and causing everything to run……painfully……slowly. Which is about the speed at which my brain is moving to seek out a solution to this problem.

People keep saying Thanksgiving is this week. What is up with that! November only just started, I’m sure of it. I don’t know what you people are talking about.

In other news, I was hunting for the tiny screwdriver and checked the basket where I stick Things That Need to Be Put Away Later. Inside it were last year’s Advent candles. Um. Am I a housekeeping rock star, or what?

Well, they’re still pretty long. Think anyone’ll notice if I reuse them on Sunday? Because you know I haven’t remembered to buy the new ones yet.

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8 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Jeanne says:

    I don’t know Alice except thru you (virtually), and I just laughed out loud at the transformation from Ave Maria to sailor’s hornpipe.

    That Huck. He’s got all kinds of ripple effect.

  2. MelanieB says:

    It’s a good thing my sister-in-law is cooking Thanksgiving dinner because I swear it’s the beginning of November. I haven’t even got around to calling her to ask what we can bring.

    Maybe your unwritten blog posts can hang out with my unwritten blog posts and have a little party.

    I have the same problem with iPhoto. Dom thinks I take too many pictures. I don’t think there is such a thing.

  3. Amy Caroline says:

    I have spent many a happy hour here tonight. I love all your posts about Tidal Homeschooling. You have truly inspired me. Thank you!!!

    As for Thanksgiving being this week, you must have that wrong… not yet…. right?

  4. Sue says:

    Re: the candles in the basket–call it point-of-use storage and even the TV organization shows won’t have anything to complain about. 😉

  5. Eileen Smithdeal says:

    Wait? Did I write this? Except for the phone, this could have definitely been me..lol (especially the part with the advent candles, and in Anna’s case it’s scissors, not tape!) Thanks for the laugh!

  6. Carlie says:

    Love the tape obsession and the spontaneous ringtone swap-out. You make me smile.

  7. susan says:

    You are really ahead of the game. You already have the candles for the start of Advent on Sunday! I wonder where I put mine? Susan

  8. Fe says:

    I have a 4yo girl too, and she’s also mad keen on sticky tape:-) I thought it was just us:-)

    And pipe cleaners!