Wondercon Was Wonderful

April 4, 2011 @ 5:56 pm | Filed under: ,

Much to tell. Later. We drove all day and reached home before rush hour got ugly, hooray. Boy do I love a road trip with that husband of mine. Or any kind of trip, really. Or just staying home with him. Him, basically.

We had a great time in San Francisco. Lots of pictures and stories to share, as is always the case after a con. For now, just one little sneak peek of one of the best, the very very best, moments of the whole weekend.

That’s right! I MET MISS BEADLE! Charlotte Stewart, the perfectly lovely actress who played Laura’s beloved teacher on Little House in the Prairie, was there at a table in the convention hall, and I totally geeked out when I saw her. Got speechless and stammery and gushed like crazy. And she was so nice and friendly and warm, and I am thrilled to bits to have met her. I told her about my books, and she told me about the Little House Reunion Cruise that is happening in November, with Charlotte, and the hilarious Alison Arngrim (Nellie Oleson), and Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush (Baby Carrie), and Dean Butler (Almanzo), and ohhhh how much would I love to go?!

I told Charlotte how much I loved the gentleness and patience of her Miss Beadle, and she told me she modeled the character after her sister, a mother of eight. I love that.

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8 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Hannah says:

    Lissa, go ahead and take up a collection on your blog. You should go on that cruise!!!

  2. sarah says:

    so awesome!

  3. mamacrow says:

    contact the organisers – surely they’d love to have you as an added attraction!

  4. Anne V. says:

    L. was thrilled to see your photo with Miss Beadle!

  5. Margaret in MN says:

    Okay so YES I gave up blog-reading for Lent but I’m not TECHNICALLY reading…am here so my Nie Nie can watch a video.

    But WHILE I’m here…because, why not?…I HAVE to comment. LOVE this post and can SO relate to your excitement over seeing someone so close to your heart.

    And I am WAY too emphatic for my own good.

    I been away TOO long, I tell ya.

  6. Melissa Wiley says:

    Hooray! Margaret snuck a peek at blogs and one of them was mine!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I have missed you, my dear, during what feels like a very long Lent.

    It really was a joy to meet Charlotte Stewart. This is my favorite thing about getting to go to comic cons—meeting people. This time was extra special. 🙂

  7. Charlotte Stewart says:

    Are you kidding? I loved your enthusiasm. It was refreshing after watching so many zombied out people walking through the crowd. I’ll check in to your blog periodically and see what you’re doing.
    Nice meeting you too.

  8. Carlie says:

    So exciting! Wow. What a moment. Good for you for being clearheaded enough to get a picture. And how cool is it that the picture turned out? I always have my eyes closed or some wonky mid-speech expression for key photographs like this.