Booklists, Empty and Full
I’m determined to be organized this year: I’ve already set up my 2012 booklog.*
(The snippet of Johnny Crow art is meant to be centered. I can see it right in the code: aligncenter. There is something wonky in my template somewhere that always overrides the centering of images. I’m planning a massive redesign in near future, so I’m not going to worry about these little finicky details right now.)
(And by “not going to worry,” I mean it’s going to drive me batty until I get it fixed.)
But enough of that. The big news, the exciting New Year’s news, is that the 2011 Cybils finalists have been posted. Let the library queuing begin…
*Whoops, had the wrong link here before. Corrected now.
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Sara says:
Johnny Crow is centered from where I sit!
On January 1, 2012 at 10:45 am
Melissa Wiley says:
No way! Huh! I’ve tried on two different browsers and I’m seeing it left-justified in both. Well, here’s hoping it’s just my cache or something!
On January 1, 2012 at 11:23 am
MelanieB says:
It’s centered for me too. I’m using Firefox.
I feel your pain about the need for a massive redesign. I’d been feeling the pinch on my blog for a couple of years before Dom got around to it– but who am I to complain when he does it for free? However, I’m so glad to finally have mine over and done with. I hope your redesign goes as smoothly.
On January 1, 2012 at 11:48 am
Melissa Wiley says:
Aha, I just discovered I had the wrong link up there before. The 2012 booklog link was mistakenly going to my old Child’s Delight post—where the Johnny Crow image is indeed centered. Not so (as far as I can tell) on the new booklog page. Ah well!
On January 1, 2012 at 12:35 pm
Ellie says:
It’s aligned to the left for me … (i’ll tell ya {not that you asked ;-)} what tends to strike me first with a blog is not whether things are left, right, or center, but whether or not it’s on a white background. White backgrounds make it near impossible for me to focus).
Aside from all of that babbling – booklogs, yay! 🙂
On January 1, 2012 at 2:17 pm
Melissa Wiley says:
Ellie, interesting! I have the same problem with a dark background. White looks so clean and peaceful to me…but so does a nice cream, or a soothing pale gray like on your blog. Good for me to keep in mind as the redesign gets underway…thanks for your input!
On January 1, 2012 at 2:46 pm
Ellie says:
Ooo! Dark is the same for me: black or dark reds or pinks, with light colored font on top? Oiy. That’s hard. I find pale creamy colors best: they’re not blinding white, but rather, soothingly pale. Tea-stained beiges are nice. If you know what I mean by that color? Aged yellowy-brownish? (pale though) A color changing definition leading out to the edges is good too (okay, I am thinking that’s an awful description! A webpage that is made to look like old paper?)
I love redecorating 🙂 I’m content with my blog, but we’re thinking of repainting the interior of the house once all the work is done this coming year — very fun to think of new colors!
On January 1, 2012 at 3:57 pm
Leah says:
I like the book log (even though the image isn’t centered 🙂 ). I keep a book log also, but mine doesn’t nearly so pretty.
On January 1, 2012 at 5:22 pm
Christine says:
Thanks so much for the Cybils list! I frequently find I get “stuck” in the old and true, so it’s good to be introduced to the new.
On January 2, 2012 at 4:27 am
nelly says:
Hi, can i ask you something? I’m looking for children books with “scary” animal illustrations like wolf (or fox) eating pigs (or seven kids or Red Riding hood or birds in Chicken Little) or being pictured with a fat stomach. Have you seen any book of this sort? Any sort of help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. And happy 2012!
Great blog, by the way!
On January 2, 2012 at 6:32 am