Gift Ideas

November 14, 2012 @ 9:44 am | Filed under:

Quick note to say I’ve got a new piece up at GeekMom:

Give a Box of Fun: Five Subscription Kits for Kids.

I’m doing a bunch of these subscription boxes reviews and this one was particularly fun to research: arts-and-crafts kits for kids. With, like, all the stuff for projects right in one box.

I’ve also reviewed some exceedingly tasty food-themed boxes: Knoshbox and La Bella Box. In my next installment, I’m looking at artsy-crafts subscriptions, and then after that, more food. Fun project. 🙂

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One Reponse | Comments Feed
  1. monica says:

    you’ve got it quite rough there, miss melissa, really rough. If you cant get through all that food, just send some this way.