
November 28, 2014 @ 9:02 am | Filed under: ,

(down the hall, top of the lungs) “I’m going to go see Mom!”

(thundering footsteps drawing nearer)

(cheerful bellow) “MOMMOMMOMMOMMOM!”

(in the doorway, casual everyday voice) “Hi, Mommy! Did I surprise you?”

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Tammie says:

    soooo cute ~

  2. mamacrow says:

    oh BLESS! Was this Huck by any chance?

    Ah, I see by the tag that it was 😀

  3. tanita says:

    Hahahaha! Um, yes. “Surprise, Mom!”
    Spent yesterday with my nephew, age 5, and had many silly and warm moments like this one – he told us at one point he couldn’t do something because his hands were tired.

    Boys are fun.