I was going to say “Sam” but that’ll do just fine

April 14, 2015 @ 9:00 am | Filed under: ,

Huck and I are cuddled up in the big brown chair. His hair is getting long again, all rumpled curls on top. Face a little dirty, because it’s after nine in the morning. Big sweet eyes smiling up at me, waiting for a story.

“Once upon a time,” I begin, “there was a boy named—”

“ACID FIRE,” he interjects.

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2 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. tanita says:

    Allllllrighty, then. This story has now taken a sharp left.

  2. Lindsay says:

    “The Boy” was about 2 or 3 and Mom and Dad’s dinner custom was to usually clink glasses and say, “Cheers!” Or occasionally “Health!” “Merry Christmas!” whatever. One evening we clinked glasses and “the Boy” popped out with “Polka Dots!” Still my favorite.