Michelin Baby

April 23, 2009 @ 7:20 am | Filed under: , ,


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18 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Jennifer says:

    Oh MY! I might just buy another ticket out so I could squeeze those chubby legs. So sweet!!!

  2. Beth says:

    Utterly delicious. (I love how much your kids look alike — they do in photos, anyway).

  3. MelanieB says:

    Oh those sweet, sweet baby fat legs and arms!

  4. Rebecca says:

    Oh deliciousness! Hunka chunka chocolate legs!

  5. Elizabeth H. says:

    Adorable! Love those chunky breastfed legs! There’s skin in there that’s never seen the light of day!

  6. Theresa says:

    Oh! Oh! Oh! Can we get some butter for those rolls? So squeezable!!!

  7. Sarah N. says:

    So so delicious!!!! What a beautiful family you have.

  8. Kimmy says:

    Hehehehehehe! 🙂 Chubby baby legs!

  9. sarah says:

    too cute

  10. Kimberlee says:

    We used to call my Mary Rose ‘Booga Chubbers’ but your Michelin Man has her way beat. Must be all that good chocolate you eat. Gorgeous photo besides.

  11. Cassandra Frear says:

    Oh, what is it about babies — they all have a “beefy” stage for some reason!

    I am happy to subscribe to your blog. We will be taking a trip soon. I was very tickled with myself for adding your blog to my Google reader account.

  12. Cassandra Frear says:

    Oops. My link above is broken! Here is the correct one.

  13. Sara says:

    You’ve obviously been reading books that you can’t put down while nursing! 😉 He’s adorable!!!!

  14. Margaret in Minnesota says:




    You are clearly giving him the good stuff.

  15. Mary Ellen Barrett says:

    Oh he’s simply scrumptious!

  16. cici says:

    oh my is he ever cute!

  17. Sue says:

    I always used to love the thought that, until we added solid food, I had managed to grow the entire child all by myself. Ah, the hubris of a bf’ing mom. 🙂

  18. Chari says:

    It IS so amazing, Sue, isn’t it?!

    Lissa……he is so adorable! I hope to meet him before he turns one…not sure when that will happen!

    God bless!

    PS…..we cannot WAIT to start playing in the backyeard…if it would just warm up and stay warm here!

    Love, chari