Archive for February 25th, 2011

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February 25, 2011 @ 2:12 pm | Filed under:

Weekend Breakfast : Homemade Kolaches – as cozy as spring. Please to make this for me, daughters or husbandly persons of this household. Thank you.

After ‘Downton Abbey’: 10 British Costume Dramas on Netflix Instant | The Awl.

YouTube – Sinead O’Connor. “The Foggy Dew” is one of my favorites.

A Year of Reading: Making Stuff.

• This week’s Journey North Mystery Class update—are you doing the project? My family is in charge of Class #5 for our group. Another Southern hemisphere city for us this year!

• Sara has the Poetry Friday Roundup today at Read Write Believe. (Having spent all morning on Mystery Class stuff, I haven’t had time to put up a poem.)

• Why, oh why, are my bullet points so tiny?

• Why, oh why, do I care?