Archive for November 19th, 2010

Poetry Friday: The Huck Edition

November 19, 2010 @ 12:16 pm | Filed under:

Today’s Poetry Friday contribution is brought to you by my 22-month-old. Visit Random Noodling for this week’s roundup.

Olympian Heights

Four blocks. Five. Six. Seven.
Look, universe, and marvel: Heaven
Is closer now.
Nothing’s not in reach.

Eight, and if the crash
Comes, all the better.
Hold construction for a moment!
Mom’s phone, her full mug—
The fit is perfect, the splash
Not to seem smug
But I’m confident
She’ll be pleased

Or lively, at least:
Her fire-red wail
Loud as my fine red truck
They flew to fridge-top
Last night at dinner.

Now I see: I’m Hercules;
That truck’s my next labor,
Since I’ve conquered the blocks.

………………………….Amazon box.