OK, how about THIS one?

March 18, 2013 @ 10:38 am | Filed under:

Welcome back, AT&T ISP customers! I think. So far the reports are good. Can you see this post? If you were unable to load the site this past week, I mean.

Of course, now I’ll have to think of something interesting to say. 😉

(I still don’t know for sure why AT&T was blocking access to my site. My only guess is it was that jokey spam poem I posted last week just before the trouble began? If so, joke’s on me!)

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7 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Ellie says:

    **waving hello**

    So glad it seems to be over!!!

  2. Fanny Harville says:


  3. Fanny Harville says:

    Now we get to talk about Ballet Shoes, right?

  4. annie says:

    Yay! You work now! 🙂 Glad it was straightened out….

  5. shelley says:

    glad to finally see you again.

  6. Love2learn Mom says:

    Yay! It works!!! 🙂

  7. lesley austin says:

    Oh…so that explains it! I have some catching up to do…