I know, right?

March 21, 2013 @ 8:33 am | Filed under: ,

I’m all Hooray, my blog is visible again I can write stuff yippeeeee! And then crickets. That kind of week. In a good way, I mean. I mowed the lawn the other day and it mousecookied into a massive backyard/frontyard/sideyard cleanup, and now I’m itching to overhaul the indoors. But! I’ll be posting the Ballet Shoes post this afternoon.

And for now, here’s this week’s Thicklebit—I’ll save you the clickthrough. (But if you’re new to Thicklebit, do click through and enjoy the other strips. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Chris Gugliotti is an artistic genius.)

drawgramma (1)

This morning we’re all in stitches over this post at Flavorwire: 20 Embarrassingly Bad Book Covers for Classic Novels. The horrific Anne of Green Gables is there, along with some genuine howlers. Did you know there were fighter jets in Oz? The Huck Finn is priceless, and that Cranford cover! I’m crying laughing.

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7 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Melanie B says:

    I adore the verb “mousecookied”. That’s awesome.

  2. Charlotte says:

    Do you think that the fighter jets are piloted by monkeys?

  3. Leslie in VA says:

    Ditto on the new word, “mousecookied”. Happens all the time!

  4. Melanie B says:

    Oh and that cover for The Princess Bride. I’m sure I’ve seen that picture before on some other book. Something science fiction-y maybe? I can’t recall and it’s driving me crazy.

  5. sarah says:

    Mousecookied is a wonderful word although I am completely bamboozled as to its possible meaning. I agree with you about Chris Gugliotti – the expression on the little girl’s face in the last picture – priceless. It adds such poignancy and emotional resonance to a funny moment – which of course is what makes the best kind of comedy.

  6. Melissa Wiley says:

    Sarah, I coined “mousecookied” in reference to the charming picture book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie—do you have that one in NZ? If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to want a drink to go with it….If you give him a drink, he’s going to want a straw….And so on, until you’ve wound up making him a bed, giving him a haircut, and eventually cleaning the whole house. It’s about how one thing leads to another to another to another, often distracting you from the thing you meant to do in the first place. So, basically, the story of my life. πŸ™‚

  7. Scott says:

    “It’s about how one thing leads to another to another to another, often distracting you from the thing you meant to do in the first place. So, basically, the story of my life.”

    Hey now.