Archive for April, 2006
Check out these great photos of the Lapaz Farm family’s day at the creek!
(Theresa is one of the first bloggers to take advantage of Ron and Andrea’s wonderful new free blog hosting service for homeschoolers. Very cool!)
You Are a Frappacino

At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern
At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent
You drink coffee when: you’re craving something sweet
Your caffeine addiction level: low
According to Beanie, five years old:
"Those people who believed in lots of gods and didn’t have any shirts."
I liked the green template for a spring change, but I missed my regular banner so I’ve reverted to the blue. Yes, I am still nesting…

Sorry we’re stealing Grandma from you on your special day. We all miss you!
The Deputy Headmistress has written a lovely and concise Charlotte Mason tutorial. I’m going to put this link in my sidebar for easy reference for those who are curious about what CM is all about.
I would also recommend a visit to Mater Amabilis and the purchase of Elizabeth Foss’s excellent book, Real Learning.
Tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home education, Charlotte Mason, education
This is definitely not my year for attempting anything more complicated than Paas, but for those of you with more time and/or ambition than I, Billi-Jean has a great post about making egg dyes from (among other things) cabbages, blueberries, beets, and onions. If you decide to give this a try, I want to see pictures!
Tags: Easter, Easter eggs, Easter baskets, crafts, holiday
April 5, 2006 @ 10:07 am | Filed under:
Best laugh of the day: right here at Amy’s blog. Classic.
Hey Danielle Bean, this one is right up your alley!
April 5, 2006 @ 4:49 am | Filed under:
Our internet was down this morning. My site meter suggests that a bunch of you are checking in first thing in the morning to see if we’re still here….Well, no baby yet! Just a cranky modem.
Have to rush now to get Jane off to her weekly nature studies camp, but you’ll have plenty to read at this week’s Carnival of Education. This has been a great week for Carnivals!
Tags: education