Holy cats, we’re a week into July
This time next week, I’ll be in Cincinnati for the Brave Writer Retreat. I’ve known Julie Bogart online for over 15 years and we have Skyped several times, but this will be our first time getting together in person. Can’t wait! Looking forward to meeting other internet chums as well. This week I’m busily working on visuals for my talks. I’ll be speaking about Tidal Homeschooling, children’s literature, and comics. Can’t wait!
I also have a big post about skin care almost ready to go—hopefully tomorrow.
Five of my children are sick today—a rather vicious cold, much coughing and hacking. Scott is making me keep my distance because when I get a cough, it hangs around for weeks. And after Brave Writer, there’s SDCC and then my high school reunion. But mah babies! Okay, so they’re having a grand movie fest and playing loads of Terraria, and nobody needs me at the moment, but still. At least I have work to keep me busy. SO MUCH WORK. Fun stuff, though: no complaints.
I haven’t read much so far in July. In June I came down with a fierce case of I Need to Reread Riddlemaster Yet Again syndrome. Before that, I tore through a bunch of contemporary thrillers thanks to NetGalley. I need to write proper booknotes on them, but for now, if you’re looking for harrowing summer reading, these kept me glued to the page: The Girl on the Train, Security, Before the Fall, and Beware That Girl. Oh, and ever since I finished Connie Willis’s Passage, I keep going back and rereading bits of it. It has become one of my favorites of her novels.
Right now I’m a chapter into Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall, which has been on my list for ages. I may have to save it for the plane next week, though.
Penny says:
Have fun at the retreat! With you and Julie both in the room – it should just shimmer with joy. You both are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
I love that you say Holy Cats. I totally get laughed at for saying that, and yet… I persevere. It’s just so “right” sometimes. 🙂
Happy travels!
On July 8, 2016 at 4:56 am
Melissa Wiley says:
I can’t believe Julie and I haven’t met in person in all these years. Going to be a blast.
On July 8, 2016 at 11:35 am
Penny says:
PS: Awesome photo 🙂 🙂
On July 8, 2016 at 4:56 am
Penny says:
And I hope they all feel better. My eldest is fighting the same battle on the East Coast – it’s rotten.
Sorry for the multiple replies – I get ahead of myself too often, for sure.
On July 8, 2016 at 4:58 am
Melissa Wiley says:
Ugh, your crew too? Hope your girl feels better soon! Most of mine are much improved this morning. One still pretty miserable, poor thing.
On July 8, 2016 at 11:36 am
Michelle says:
Looking forward to your skincare post. After your last post about sunscreen, I purchased the Biore sunscreen and really like it. I also discovered the whole Asian skincare scene. I don’t know where I have been, but that whole scene is all new to me. We were on a road trip visiting family and I think I spent most of the time in the care checking out various blogs.
On July 8, 2016 at 5:26 am
Melissa Wiley says:
LOL, I know that rabbit hole!!! I just need to add pix to the skincare post and it’ll be ready. Then we can talk shop! 🙂
On July 8, 2016 at 11:37 am
Amy C. says:
I’m nursing sick kiddos while getting ready for the Brave Writer retreat too. Minor colds here though, so I’m hopeful they’ll be short. I hope your gang is better soon. I’m so excited for the retreat! I can’t wait to hear your talks and meet you! (And by “meet you,” I mean “stand awkwardly nearby with a goofy fangirl grin on my face.”) Safe travels!
On July 8, 2016 at 5:34 am
Melissa Wiley says:
Amy, so fun that we’ll get to meet at last, after all these years! Hope your kids are feeling better. And as for “stand awkwardly nearby with a goofy fangirl grin on my face”—believe me, I’m the goofiest one of them all. 🙂
On July 8, 2016 at 11:39 am
Nancy in NC says:
Tidal homeschooling, children’s literature, and comics!!! Can’t wait to see you in Cincinnati!
On July 8, 2016 at 10:59 am
Melissa Wiley says:
Yay!! Just around the corner now!
On July 8, 2016 at 11:39 am
monica says:
i read Girl on a Train. It was so addictive. Hey, let me know if we can meet in Cinci. I can give you a ride to the airport or whatever. email or FB message me and we can work out the deets. I want to become your real-life friend!! 🙂
On July 8, 2016 at 11:15 am
Melissa Wiley says:
Monica, LOL, I messaged you on FB right before I saw this comment. We are thinking alike! I’m sure we can work something out.
On July 8, 2016 at 11:40 am