Archive for January 1st, 2012

Booklists, Empty and Full

January 1, 2012 @ 10:10 am | Filed under: , ,

I’m determined to be organized this year: I’ve already set up my 2012 booklog.*

(The snippet of Johnny Crow art is meant to be centered. I can see it right in the code: aligncenter. There is something wonky in my template somewhere that always overrides the centering of images. I’m planning a massive redesign in near future, so I’m not going to worry about these little finicky details right now.)

(And by “not going to worry,” I mean it’s going to drive me batty until I get it fixed.)

But enough of that. The big news, the exciting New Year’s news, is that the 2011 Cybils finalists have been posted. Let the library queuing begin…

*Whoops, had the wrong link here before. Corrected now.