Archive for July 7th, 2017

Thoughts while packing for a move

July 7, 2017 @ 8:26 am | Filed under:

That blanket I started while pregnant
Those cloth dolls I started while pregnant
That quilt I started while pregnant
That needlepoint project I started while pregnant
That round robin quilt block group I started while pregnant
That needle felting
That beading
That spinning
That scarf
So many lives
I started while pregnant


This is just to say

I have discovered
the thank-you note
I wrote you
in 1998

and which
I never mailed
but I did stamp
and seal

Forgive me
we loved those books
so Boynton
and so dear


Does this spark chagrin
Does this spark regret
Does this spark your life flashing before your eyes
Does this spark a memory of that time we