The grass is always greener…

May 14, 2015 @ 7:18 am | Filed under:

Poor, deprived Huck is enumerating for me the vast number of important life experiences he is missing out on because we have, and I quote, “just a big tree and sticks in our front yard instead of nice fake grass like Miss Lily up the street.”

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. monica says:

    This could go under the category of “California boy grief”

  2. tanita says:

    Dude. If fake flowers wouldn’t fade, I would seriously consider sticking them down by the back fence…

    Okay, maybe not, but I love that he thinks fake grass is JUST AS GOOD.

  3. Ellie says:

    Rocks and cacti, baby. Rocks and cacti have far and away greater potential excitement than fake grass …