Archive for November, 2007

Speech Therapy Games

November 8, 2007 @ 6:46 am | Filed under: , , ,

As I’ve mentioned before, is a good source of tips for how to work on specific speech sounds with your children.

As I work (and play) with Wonderboy, I’ve come up with a few games of my own that are helping him practice the new sounds he is learning to produce. One particularly sweet one is how we practice the p sound, which is still relatively new for him. I thought it might help if he could feel it, feel how the air explodes from one’s lips during the puh sound. I touch my lips to his cheek, like a kiss, and say words like piano, pizza, apple, emphasizing the p. He has begun to reciprocate, pressing his little face to my cheek and puhracticing his puhlosives. It’s so cute, I want to eat him up, like pizza or an apple.

We also use the Visual Phonics signs to help make consonant sounds pop for him. Since sign is Wonderboy’s other language, having signs connected with sounds makes a lot of sense to him. If I make the visual phonics sign for the first sound in a word, and then follow with the whole word, both in English and ASL, he gets that the sound itself is something that can be broken out of the word and made on its own. So: buh, buh, baby. The "buh" is the Visual Phonics sign for the sound made by the letter b: you hold the ASL sign for b up to your mouth, and as you say "buh," you move the b sign rapidly away. That’s the phoneme sign.

We do this over and over, all through the day. Guh guh go, kuh kuh car, puh puh pizza. (Yes, more pizza. If you spend much time at my house, you know that we are all about the pizza here. I don’t cook for people. I invite them over for pizza. Can’t make it? Eh, we’ll order that pizza anyway.)

We’re working on developing his listening differentiation skills with a game we play with Rilla. Wonderboy thinks he is teaching things to Rilla (and he is), and this makes it loads of fun for him. He doesn’t realize he’s making big leaps himself.

We have a stack of pictures of objects with sounds we’re working on. Right now it’s the f sound, so we have fish, frog, fire, phone, etc. I lay out two or three of the cards and give Wonderboy or Rilla a block to hold. Then I’ll say the name of one of the items on the cards, and the child whose turn it is puts the block on the right card. It’s a very simple game and both the little ones eat it up.

For Wonderboy, what the game is doing is helping him hear the subtle differences between similar-sounding English words. With his hearing aids, he can hear a good deal of speech, but not everything—not some of the soft, unvoiced consonant sounds. So I lay out pictures of phone and bone, or fish and dish, and the game—which is great fun, especially because of the antics of little miss Rilla—hones his listening skills.

I think he is doing a lot of lip-reading. He’s a crackerjack at the game when he can see my mouth, and has more difficulty if I hide my lips behind a hand. When he sits beside me and chatters away, as is happening almost constantly these days, he cups my chin with one determined little hand, turning my face toward his. This is indescribably sweet, I have to say. At a birthday party a couple of weeks ago, a friend’s mother was watching Wonderboy talk to me, and she said, "That is so dear! The way he studies your face! He can’t take his eyes off you."

It is dear. It’s a good idea, though, to help hone his listening skills without visual clues when we can. So we play another game, also with Rilla, in which each child hold a little ball up to his or her ear, and I cover my mouth and make a sound. The game is simple: when the child hears the sound, he or she drops the ball into a container. We use an empty tennis ball canister. The main purpose of this game is to get Wonderboy into the groove of what happens in a hearing test when we go to the audiologist. In order to accurately test his hearing (and therefore ensure that his hearing aids are calibrated correctly, in the way that will give him the best possible amplification), we need him to respond to each sound he hears. The ball-in-canister game is one we can easily duplicate in the sound booth.

It’s also great fun. Rilla thinks it’s a hoot! Her excitement is infectious, and Wonderboy and I are usually in giggles the whole time. They hold the balls up to their ears just to reinforce that they are going to listen. Wonderboy thinks Rilla jumps the gun a lot; he doesn’t realize that she is hearing sounds that don’t exist for him. He doesn’t seem to hear S or SH at all.

Almost Time for Another Season of Project FeederWatch

November 5, 2007 @ 6:59 am | Filed under:

When Scott and I moved out of our little 2nd-floor Queens apartment to a rental on Long Island with a real back yard, the first thing I did was buy a bird feeder. And when we moved to Virginia two years later, the box with the bird feeder was—I’m not kidding—the first one I unpacked.

I am nutty that way. We love to feed the birds.

We’ve been participating in Project FeederWatch since our very first Long Island winter, paying an annual $15 for the privilege of helping track bird populations in North America. It gives the kids experience with collecting and tabulating data, hones their powers of observation and perseverance, and provides our whole family with the immense joy of getting to know our local feathered friends. Even baby Rilla is part of the fun; standing at the patio door watching the birds is one of her favorite pastimes.

The new FeederWatch season begins November 10th, so if you’re interested, flit on over and sign up!

The Daring Book for Girls: One Slight Problem

November 4, 2007 @ 10:39 pm | Filed under:

I’m supposed to be posting a review of The Daring Book for Girls here tomorrow. The problem is, I haven’t read it yet because I cannot get it away from my daughters.

Jane just may have to be the one to review it. She snatched it up the moment it arrived, and that’s the last I saw of it.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen much of her either. She surfaced briefly, brandishing a roll of packing tape, to ask if we had any old newspapers she could use to make a waterproof cushion for sitting on out-of-doors.

"It’s from the book," she explained.

She’s asleep right now…maybe I can sneak into her room and snatch the book from her bedside table. Because that’s the kind of daring girl I am.   

Latin Links

November 3, 2007 @ 9:02 pm | Filed under:

I came across this terrific page of links for Latin studies at the Cornell College website. I especially liked the Latin songbook, a page full of lyrics for well-known children’s songs such as "Gaius Est Agricola." You know that one, right? Sure you do:

Gaius est agricola. E-I-E-I-O
In agris eius equi sunt. E-I-E-I-O
Hic hinniunt. Ibi hinniunt.
Hi-hi-hinniunt ubique!

Hee. The kids and I will have fun with this.

Also appealing: the links to some Aesop’s fables and Greek myths in Latin.

This is just a smidgin of what’s available on the Cornell page, so if you’re into Latin be sure to click through and check it out.

We’ve settled into a nice rhythm with our Latin studies…we continue to be unschoolish with most subjects (even the word "subjects" feels too schooly for the way we’re encountering All That Interesting Stuff There Is to Know), but Latin falls into our "things we learn on purpose" category.

Jane is putting in about four days a week on Latin: two days with Latin for Children and two days with Latin: Book One by Scott & Horn.

Rose is finishing up Prima Latina.

We all continue to practice the vocabulary chants from Latin for Children, including Beanie. And I pulled out our copy of Lingua Angelica, a beautiful collection of hymns in Latin, published by Memoria Press, the same folks who do Prima Latina and Latina Christiana. The Lingua Angelica set includes a CD and songbook. We listen to a song many times until we know it by heart, and then we talk through the translation. It’s fun and quite a painless way to expand our understanding of the language. I say "we" because I’m learning Latin right along with the children.

(I say "right along." Ha. I should say, "trailing behind Jane, and barely managing to keep pace with Bean.")

Unschooling Voices Is Up

November 2, 2007 @ 3:32 pm | Filed under:

The new Unschooling Voices is here. I’ve barely begun to dig into the posts…some good, meaty, inspiring stuff there. Enjoy.

I know it’s been quiet here this week. We had quite a week! Where to begin? Too much to tell. Family in town…an infected foot (shudder)…an overnight trip to L.A. to see Springsteen in concert oh my goodness so phenomenal don’t even get me started…Halloween…All Saints’ Day…did I mention we saw Springsteen in concert?

A wee bit of advice: it is unwise to dance on an infected foot. I’m just saying.